Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServerWebExchange
Mock objects for the functional web framework.
Mock implementations of Spring's reactive server web API abstractions.
Support classes for web data binding.
Reactive support for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), based on a common CorsProcessor strategy.
WebFilter implementations for use in reactive web applications.
Top-level package for the spring-webflux module that contains DispatcherHandler, the main entry point for WebFlux server endpoint processing including key contracts used to map requests to handlers, invoke them, and process the result.
RequestedContentTypeResolver strategy and implementations to resolve the requested content type for a given request.
Provides the types that make up Spring's functional web framework for Reactive environments.
Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server package.
Provides HandlerMapping implementations including abstract base classes.
Support classes for serving static resources.
Support for various programming model styles including the invocation of different types of handlers like an annotated controller or a simple WebHandler.
RequestCondition and implementations for matching requests based on different criteria.
Infrastructure for handler method processing.
Infrastructure for annotation-based handler method processing.
Support for result handling through view resolution.
Support classes for the integration of FreeMarker as Spring web view technology.
Support classes for views based on the JSR-223 script engine abstraction.
Server support for WebSocket interactions.
Server-side support classes for WebSocket requests.
Holds implementations of RequestUpgradeStrategy.
Core interfaces and classes for Spring's generic, reactive web support.
Implementations to adapt to the underlying org.springframework.http.client.reactive reactive HTTP adapter and HttpHandler.
Provides common WebHandler implementations and a WebHandlerDecorator.
Locale related support classes.
Auxiliary interfaces and implementation classes for WebSession support.