Class ViewResolverRegistry


public class ViewResolverRegistry extends Object
Assist with the configuration of a chain of ViewResolver's supporting different template mechanisms.

In addition, you can also configure defaultViews for rendering according to the requested content type, for example, JSON, XML, etc.

Rossen Stoyanchev, Sebastien Deleuze
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • freeMarker

      public UrlBasedViewResolverRegistration freeMarker()
      Register a FreeMarkerViewResolver with a ".ftl" suffix.

      Note that you must also configure FreeMarker by adding a FreeMarkerConfigurer bean.

    • scriptTemplate

      public UrlBasedViewResolverRegistration scriptTemplate()
      Register a script template view resolver with an empty default view name prefix and suffix.

      Note that you must also configure script templating by adding a ScriptTemplateConfigurer bean.

    • viewResolver

      public void viewResolver(ViewResolver viewResolver)
      Register a ViewResolver bean instance. This may be useful to configure a 3rd party resolver implementation or as an alternative to other registration methods in this class when they don't expose some more advanced property that needs to be set.
    • defaultViews

      public void defaultViews(View... defaultViews)
      Set default views associated with any view name and selected based on the best match for the requested content type.

      Use HttpMessageWriterView to adapt and use any existing HttpMessageWriter (for example, JSON, XML) as a View.

    • hasRegistrations

      public boolean hasRegistrations()
      Whether any view resolvers have been registered.
    • order

      public void order(int order)
      Set the order for the ViewResolutionResultHandler.

      By default this property is not set, which means the result handler is ordered at Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE.

    • getOrder

      protected int getOrder()
    • getViewResolvers

      protected List<ViewResolver> getViewResolvers()
    • getDefaultViews

      protected List<View> getDefaultViews()