Annotation Interface RegisterReflection

Register reflection hints against an arbitrary number of target classes.

When using this annotation directly, only the defined member categories are registered for each target class. The target classes can be specified by class or class names. When both are specified, they are all considered. If no target class is specified, the current class is used.

This annotation can be used as a meta-annotation to customize how hints are registered against each target class.

You can use this annotation on any bean that is contributed to the context:

 @RegisterReflection(classes = CustomerEntry.class, memberCategories = PUBLIC_FIELDS)
 class MyConfig {
     // ...

If scanning of Reflective is enabled, any type in the configured packages can use this annotation as well.

To register reflection hints for the type itself, only member categories should be specified:

 @RegisterReflection(memberCategories = INVOKE_PUBLIC_METHODS)
 class MyComponent {
     // ...

Reflection hints can be registered from a method. In this case, at least one target class should be specified:

 class MyProcessor {

     @RegisterReflection(classes = CustomerEntry.class, memberCategories = PUBLIC_FIELDS)
     CustomerEntry process() { ... }
     // ...

If the class is not available, classNames() allows to specify the fully qualified name, rather than the Class reference.

The annotated element can also be any test class that uses the Spring TestContext Framework to load an ApplicationContext.

Stephane Nicoll
  • Element Details

    • classes

      Class<?>[] classes
      Classes for which reflection hints should be registered. Consider using classNames() for classes that are not public in the current scope. If both classes and classNames are specified, they are merged into a single set.

      By default, the annotated type is the target of the registration. When placed on a method, at least one class must be specified.

      See Also:
    • classNames

      String[] classNames
      Alternative to classes() to specify the classes as class names.
      See Also:
    • memberCategories

      MemberCategory[] memberCategories
      Specify the member categories to enable.