Class AbstractHttpSockJsSession

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, SockJsSession, WebSocketSession
Direct Known Subclasses:
PollingSockJsSession, StreamingSockJsSession

public abstract class AbstractHttpSockJsSession extends AbstractSockJsSession
An abstract base class for use with HTTP transport SockJS sessions.
Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getUri

      public URI getUri()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the URI used to open the WebSocket connection.
    • getHandshakeHeaders

      public HttpHeaders getHandshakeHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the headers used in the handshake request (never null).
    • getPrincipal

      @Nullable public Principal getPrincipal()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return a Principal instance containing the name of the authenticated user.

      If the user has not been authenticated, the method returns null.

    • getLocalAddress

      @Nullable public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the address on which the request was received.
    • getRemoteAddress

      @Nullable public InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Return the address of the remote client.
    • setAcceptedProtocol

      public void setAcceptedProtocol(@Nullable String protocol)
      Unlike WebSocket where sub-protocol negotiation is part of the initial handshake, in HTTP transports the same negotiation must be emulated and the selected protocol set through this setter.
      protocol - the sub-protocol to set
    • getAcceptedProtocol

      @Nullable public String getAcceptedProtocol()
      Return the selected sub-protocol to use.
      the protocol identifier, or null if no protocol was specified or negotiated successfully
    • getMessageCache

      protected Queue<String> getMessageCache()
      Return the SockJS buffer for messages stored transparently between polling requests. If the polling request takes longer than 5 seconds, the session is closed.
      See Also:
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
      Description copied from class: AbstractSockJsSession
      Polling and Streaming sessions periodically close the current HTTP request and wait for the next request to come through. During this "downtime" the session is still open but inactive and unable to send messages and therefore has to buffer them temporarily. A WebSocket session by contrast is stateful and remain active until closed.
      Specified by:
      isActive in class AbstractSockJsSession
    • setTextMessageSizeLimit

      public void setTextMessageSizeLimit(int messageSizeLimit)
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Configure the maximum size for an incoming text message.
    • getTextMessageSizeLimit

      public int getTextMessageSizeLimit()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Get the configured maximum size for an incoming text message.
    • setBinaryMessageSizeLimit

      public void setBinaryMessageSizeLimit(int messageSizeLimit)
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Configure the maximum size for an incoming binary message.
    • getBinaryMessageSizeLimit

      public int getBinaryMessageSizeLimit()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Get the configured maximum size for an incoming binary message.
    • getExtensions

      public List<WebSocketExtension> getExtensions()
      Description copied from interface: WebSocketSession
      Determine the negotiated extensions.
      the list of extensions, or an empty list if no extension was specified or negotiated successfully
    • handleInitialRequest

      public void handleInitialRequest(ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response, SockJsFrameFormat frameFormat) throws SockJsException
      Handle the first request for receiving messages on a SockJS HTTP transport based session.

      Long polling-based transports (for example, "xhr", "jsonp") complete the request after writing the open frame. Streaming-based transports ("xhr_streaming", "eventsource", and "htmlfile") leave the response open longer for further streaming of message frames but will also close it eventually after some amount of data has been sent.

      request - the current request
      response - the current response
      frameFormat - the transport-specific SocksJS frame format to use
    • handleSuccessiveRequest

      public void handleSuccessiveRequest(ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response, SockJsFrameFormat frameFormat) throws SockJsException
      Handle all requests, except the first one, to receive messages on a SockJS HTTP transport based session.

      Long polling-based transports (for example, "xhr", "jsonp") complete the request after writing any buffered message frames (or the next one). Streaming-based transports ("xhr_streaming", "eventsource", and "htmlfile") leave the response open longer for further streaming of message frames but will also close it eventually after some amount of data has been sent.

      request - the current request
      response - the current response
      frameFormat - the transport-specific SocksJS frame format to use
    • handleRequestInternal

      protected abstract void handleRequestInternal(ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response, boolean initialRequest) throws IOException
      Invoked when a SockJS transport request is received.
      request - the current request
      response - the current response
      initialRequest - whether it is the first request for the session
    • sendMessageInternal

      protected final void sendMessageInternal(String message) throws SockJsTransportFailureException
      Specified by:
      sendMessageInternal in class AbstractSockJsSession
    • flushCache

      protected abstract void flushCache() throws SockJsTransportFailureException
      Called when the connection is active and ready to write to the response. Subclasses should only call this method from a method where the "responseLock" is acquired.
    • disconnect

      protected void disconnect(CloseStatus status)
      Description copied from class: AbstractSockJsSession
      Actually close the underlying WebSocket session or in the case of HTTP transports complete the underlying request.
      Specified by:
      disconnect in class AbstractSockJsSession
    • resetRequest

      protected void resetRequest()
    • writeFrameInternal

      protected void writeFrameInternal(SockJsFrame frame) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      writeFrameInternal in class AbstractSockJsSession