Class SimpleTransactionStatus

All Implemented Interfaces:
Flushable, SavepointManager, TransactionExecution, TransactionStatus

public class SimpleTransactionStatus extends AbstractTransactionStatus
A simple TransactionStatus implementation. Derives from AbstractTransactionStatus and adds an explicit "newTransaction" flag.

This class is not used by any of Spring's pre-built PlatformTransactionManager implementations. It is mainly provided as a start for custom transaction manager implementations and as a static mock for testing transactional code (either as part of a mock PlatformTransactionManager or as argument passed into a TransactionCallback to be tested).

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleTransactionStatus

      public SimpleTransactionStatus()
      Create a new SimpleTransactionStatus instance, indicating a new transaction.
    • SimpleTransactionStatus

      public SimpleTransactionStatus(boolean newTransaction)
      Create a new SimpleTransactionStatus instance.
      newTransaction - whether to indicate a new transaction
  • Method Details

    • isNewTransaction

      public boolean isNewTransaction()
      Description copied from interface: TransactionExecution
      Return whether the transaction manager considers the present transaction as new; otherwise participating in an existing transaction, or potentially not running in an actual transaction in the first place.

      This is primarily here for transaction manager state handling. Prefer the use of TransactionExecution.hasTransaction() for application purposes since this is usually semantically appropriate.

      The "new" status can be transaction manager specific, for example, returning true for an actual nested transaction but potentially false for a savepoint-based nested transaction scope if the savepoint management is explicitly exposed (such as on TransactionStatus). A combined check for any kind of nested execution is provided by TransactionExecution.isNested().

      The default implementation returns true.

      See Also: