Interface CacheErrorHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
LoggingCacheErrorHandler, SimpleCacheErrorHandler

public interface CacheErrorHandler
A strategy for handling cache-related errors. In most cases, any exception thrown by the provider should simply be thrown back at the client but, in some circumstances, the infrastructure may need to handle cache-provider exceptions in a different way.

Typically, failing to retrieve an object from the cache with a given id can be transparently managed as a cache miss by not throwing back such exception.

Stephane Nicoll
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Handle the given runtime exception thrown by the cache provider when clearing the specified Cache, possibly rethrowing it as a fatal exception.
    Handle the given runtime exception thrown by the cache provider when clearing an item with the specified key, possibly rethrowing it as a fatal exception.
    Handle the given runtime exception thrown by the cache provider when retrieving an item with the specified key, possibly rethrowing it as a fatal exception.
    Handle the given runtime exception thrown by the cache provider when updating an item with the specified key and value, possibly rethrowing it as a fatal exception.
  • Method Details

    • handleCacheGetError

      void handleCacheGetError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key)
      Handle the given runtime exception thrown by the cache provider when retrieving an item with the specified key, possibly rethrowing it as a fatal exception.
      exception - the exception thrown by the cache provider
      cache - the cache
      key - the key used to get the item
      See Also:
    • handleCachePutError

      void handleCachePutError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key, @Nullable Object value)
      Handle the given runtime exception thrown by the cache provider when updating an item with the specified key and value, possibly rethrowing it as a fatal exception.
      exception - the exception thrown by the cache provider
      cache - the cache
      key - the key used to update the item
      value - the value to associate with the key
      See Also:
    • handleCacheEvictError

      void handleCacheEvictError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache, Object key)
      Handle the given runtime exception thrown by the cache provider when clearing an item with the specified key, possibly rethrowing it as a fatal exception.
      exception - the exception thrown by the cache provider
      cache - the cache
      key - the key used to clear the item
    • handleCacheClearError

      void handleCacheClearError(RuntimeException exception, Cache cache)
      Handle the given runtime exception thrown by the cache provider when clearing the specified Cache, possibly rethrowing it as a fatal exception.
      exception - the exception thrown by the cache provider
      cache - the cache to clear