Interface JCacheOperation<A extends Annotation>

Type Parameters:
A - the type of the JSR-107 annotation
All Superinterfaces:
BasicOperation, javax.cache.annotation.CacheMethodDetails<A>

public interface JCacheOperation<A extends Annotation> extends BasicOperation, javax.cache.annotation.CacheMethodDetails<A>
Model the base of JSR-107 cache operation through an interface contract.

A cache operation can be statically cached as it does not contain any runtime operation of a specific cache invocation.

Stephane Nicoll
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the CacheInvocationParameter instances based on the specified method arguments.
    Return the CacheResolver instance to use to resolve the cache to use for this operation.

    Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.cache.interceptor.BasicOperation


    Methods inherited from interface javax.cache.annotation.CacheMethodDetails

    getAnnotations, getCacheAnnotation, getCacheName, getMethod
  • Method Details

    • getCacheResolver

      CacheResolver getCacheResolver()
      Return the CacheResolver instance to use to resolve the cache to use for this operation.
    • getAllParameters

      javax.cache.annotation.CacheInvocationParameter[] getAllParameters(@Nullable Object... values)
      Return the CacheInvocationParameter instances based on the specified method arguments.

      The method arguments must match the signature of the related method invocation

      values - the parameters value for a particular invocation