Class StatusResultMatchers


public class StatusResultMatchers extends Object
Factory for assertions on the response status.

An instance of this class is typically accessed via MockMvcResultMatchers.status().

Keesun Baik, Rossen Stoyanchev, Sebastien Deleuze, Brian Clozel
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • is

      public ResultMatcher is(Matcher<? super Integer> matcher)
      Assert the response status code with the given Hamcrest Matcher. Use the StatusResultMatchers.isEqualTo extension in Kotlin.
    • is

      public ResultMatcher is(int status)
      Assert the response status code is equal to an integer value. Use the StatusResultMatchers.isEqualTo extension in Kotlin.
    • is1xxInformational

      public ResultMatcher is1xxInformational()
      Assert the response status code is in the 1xx range.
    • is2xxSuccessful

      public ResultMatcher is2xxSuccessful()
      Assert the response status code is in the 2xx range.
    • is3xxRedirection

      public ResultMatcher is3xxRedirection()
      Assert the response status code is in the 3xx range.
    • is4xxClientError

      public ResultMatcher is4xxClientError()
      Assert the response status code is in the 4xx range.
    • is5xxServerError

      public ResultMatcher is5xxServerError()
      Assert the response status code is in the 5xx range.
    • reason

      public ResultMatcher reason(Matcher<? super String> matcher)
      Assert the Servlet response error message with the given Hamcrest Matcher.
    • reason

      public ResultMatcher reason(String reason)
      Assert the Servlet response error message.
    • isContinue

      public ResultMatcher isContinue()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.CONTINUE (100).
    • isSwitchingProtocols

      public ResultMatcher isSwitchingProtocols()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS (101).
    • isProcessing

      public ResultMatcher isProcessing()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.PROCESSING (102).
    • isEarlyHints

      public ResultMatcher isEarlyHints()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.EARLY_HINTS (103).
    • isOk

      public ResultMatcher isOk()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.OK (200).
    • isCreated

      public ResultMatcher isCreated()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.CREATED (201).
    • isAccepted

      public ResultMatcher isAccepted()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.ACCEPTED (202).
    • isNonAuthoritativeInformation

      public ResultMatcher isNonAuthoritativeInformation()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION (203).
    • isNoContent

      public ResultMatcher isNoContent()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT (204).
    • isResetContent

      public ResultMatcher isResetContent()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.RESET_CONTENT (205).
    • isPartialContent

      public ResultMatcher isPartialContent()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT (206).
    • isMultiStatus

      public ResultMatcher isMultiStatus()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.MULTI_STATUS (207).
    • isAlreadyReported

      public ResultMatcher isAlreadyReported()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.ALREADY_REPORTED (208).
    • isImUsed

      public ResultMatcher isImUsed()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.IM_USED (226).
    • isMultipleChoices

      public ResultMatcher isMultipleChoices()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.MULTIPLE_CHOICES (300).
    • isMovedPermanently

      public ResultMatcher isMovedPermanently()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY (301).
    • isFound

      public ResultMatcher isFound()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.FOUND (302).
    • isSeeOther

      public ResultMatcher isSeeOther()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER (303).
    • isNotModified

      public ResultMatcher isNotModified()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED (304).
    • isTemporaryRedirect

      public ResultMatcher isTemporaryRedirect()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT (307).
    • isPermanentRedirect

      public ResultMatcher isPermanentRedirect()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.PERMANENT_REDIRECT (308).
    • isBadRequest

      public ResultMatcher isBadRequest()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST (400).
    • isUnauthorized

      public ResultMatcher isUnauthorized()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED (401).
    • isPaymentRequired

      public ResultMatcher isPaymentRequired()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED (402).
    • isForbidden

      public ResultMatcher isForbidden()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN (403).
    • isNotFound

      public ResultMatcher isNotFound()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND (404).
    • isMethodNotAllowed

      public ResultMatcher isMethodNotAllowed()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED (405).
    • isNotAcceptable

      public ResultMatcher isNotAcceptable()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE (406).
    • isProxyAuthenticationRequired

      public ResultMatcher isProxyAuthenticationRequired()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED (407).
    • isRequestTimeout

      public ResultMatcher isRequestTimeout()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT (408).
    • isConflict

      public ResultMatcher isConflict()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.CONFLICT (409).
    • isGone

      public ResultMatcher isGone()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.GONE (410).
    • isLengthRequired

      public ResultMatcher isLengthRequired()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.LENGTH_REQUIRED (411).
    • isPreconditionFailed

      public ResultMatcher isPreconditionFailed()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.PRECONDITION_FAILED (412).
    • isPayloadTooLarge

      public ResultMatcher isPayloadTooLarge()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE (413).
    • isUriTooLong

      public ResultMatcher isUriTooLong()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG (414).
    • isUnsupportedMediaType

      public ResultMatcher isUnsupportedMediaType()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE (415).
    • isRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable

      public ResultMatcher isRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE (416).
    • isExpectationFailed

      public ResultMatcher isExpectationFailed()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.EXPECTATION_FAILED (417).
    • isIAmATeapot

      public ResultMatcher isIAmATeapot()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.I_AM_A_TEAPOT (418).
    • isUnprocessableEntity

      public ResultMatcher isUnprocessableEntity()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY (422).
    • isLocked

      public ResultMatcher isLocked()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.LOCKED (423).
    • isFailedDependency

      public ResultMatcher isFailedDependency()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.FAILED_DEPENDENCY (424).
    • isTooEarly

      public ResultMatcher isTooEarly()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.TOO_EARLY (425).
    • isUpgradeRequired

      public ResultMatcher isUpgradeRequired()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.UPGRADE_REQUIRED (426).
    • isPreconditionRequired

      public ResultMatcher isPreconditionRequired()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.PRECONDITION_REQUIRED (428).
    • isTooManyRequests

      public ResultMatcher isTooManyRequests()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS (429).
    • isRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge

      public ResultMatcher isRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE (431).
    • isUnavailableForLegalReasons

      public ResultMatcher isUnavailableForLegalReasons()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS (451).
    • isInternalServerError

      public ResultMatcher isInternalServerError()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (500).
    • isNotImplemented

      public ResultMatcher isNotImplemented()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED (501).
    • isBadGateway

      public ResultMatcher isBadGateway()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY (502).
    • isServiceUnavailable

      public ResultMatcher isServiceUnavailable()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE (503).
    • isGatewayTimeout

      public ResultMatcher isGatewayTimeout()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT (504).
    • isHttpVersionNotSupported

      public ResultMatcher isHttpVersionNotSupported()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED (505).
    • isVariantAlsoNegotiates

      public ResultMatcher isVariantAlsoNegotiates()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES (506).
    • isInsufficientStorage

      public ResultMatcher isInsufficientStorage()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE (507).
    • isLoopDetected

      public ResultMatcher isLoopDetected()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.LOOP_DETECTED (508).
    • isBandwidthLimitExceeded

      public ResultMatcher isBandwidthLimitExceeded()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (509).
    • isNotExtended

      public ResultMatcher isNotExtended()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.NOT_EXTENDED (510).
    • isNetworkAuthenticationRequired

      public ResultMatcher isNetworkAuthenticationRequired()
      Assert the response status code is HttpStatus.NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED (511).