Class Ejb3TransactionAnnotationParser

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, TransactionAnnotationParser

public class Ejb3TransactionAnnotationParser extends Object implements TransactionAnnotationParser, Serializable
Strategy implementation for parsing EJB3's TransactionAttribute annotation.
Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Ejb3TransactionAnnotationParser

      public Ejb3TransactionAnnotationParser()
  • Method Details

    • isCandidateClass

      public boolean isCandidateClass(Class<?> targetClass)
      Description copied from interface: TransactionAnnotationParser
      Determine whether the given class is a candidate for transaction attributes in the annotation format of this TransactionAnnotationParser.

      If this method returns false, the methods on the given class will not get traversed for #parseTransactionAnnotation introspection. Returning false is therefore an optimization for non-affected classes, whereas true simply means that the class needs to get fully introspected for each method on the given class individually.

      Specified by:
      isCandidateClass in interface TransactionAnnotationParser
      targetClass - the class to introspect
      false if the class is known to have no transaction annotations at class or method level; true otherwise. The default implementation returns true, leading to regular introspection.
    • parseTransactionAnnotation

      public @Nullable TransactionAttribute parseTransactionAnnotation(AnnotatedElement element)
      Description copied from interface: TransactionAnnotationParser
      Parse the transaction attribute for the given method or class, based on an annotation type understood by this parser.

      This essentially parses a known transaction annotation into Spring's metadata attribute class. Returns null if the method/class is not transactional.

      The returned attribute will typically (but not necessarily) be of type RuleBasedTransactionAttribute.

      Specified by:
      parseTransactionAnnotation in interface TransactionAnnotationParser
      element - the annotated method or class
      the configured transaction attribute, or null if none found
      See Also:
    • parseTransactionAnnotation

      public TransactionAttribute parseTransactionAnnotation(TransactionAttribute ann)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object