Interface ResourceResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractResourceResolver, CachingResourceResolver, EncodedResourceResolver, LiteWebJarsResourceResolver, PathResourceResolver, VersionResourceResolver

public interface ResourceResolver
A strategy for resolving a request to a server-side resource.

Provides mechanisms for resolving an incoming request to an actual Resource and for obtaining the public URL path that clients should use when requesting the resource.

Jeremy Grelle, Rossen Stoyanchev, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • resolveResource

      @Nullable Resource resolveResource(@Nullable HttpServletRequest request, String requestPath, List<? extends Resource> locations, ResourceResolverChain chain)
      Resolve the supplied request and request path to a Resource that exists under one of the given resource locations.
      request - the current request (may not be present in some calls)
      requestPath - the portion of the request path to use
      locations - the locations to search in when looking up resources
      chain - the chain of remaining resolvers to delegate to
      the resolved resource, or null if unresolved
    • resolveUrlPath

      @Nullable String resolveUrlPath(String resourcePath, List<? extends Resource> locations, ResourceResolverChain chain)
      Resolve the externally facing public URL path for clients to use to access the resource that is located at the given internal resource path.

      This is useful when rendering URL links to clients.

      resourcePath - the internal resource path
      locations - the locations to search in when looking up resources
      chain - the chain of resolvers to delegate to
      the resolved public URL path, or null if unresolved