Package org.springframework.jms
package org.springframework.jms
This package contains integration classes for JMS,
allowing for Spring-style JMS access.
ExceptionsClassDescriptionRuntime exception mirroring the JMS IllegalStateException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidClientIDException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidDestinationException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS InvalidSelectorException.Base class for exception thrown by the framework whenever it encounters a problem related to JMS.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS JMSSecurityException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageEOFException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageFormatException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageNotReadableException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS MessageNotWriteableException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS ResourceAllocationException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS TransactionInProgressException.Runtime exception mirroring the JMS TransactionRolledBackException.JmsException to be thrown when no other matching subclass found.