Class ThreadPoolTaskScheduler

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Executor, ThreadFactory, EventListener, Aware, BeanNameAware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationListener<ContextClosedEvent>, Lifecycle, Phased, SmartLifecycle, AsyncTaskExecutor, TaskExecutor, SchedulingTaskExecutor, TaskScheduler

public class ThreadPoolTaskScheduler extends ExecutorConfigurationSupport implements AsyncTaskExecutor, SchedulingTaskExecutor, TaskScheduler
A standard implementation of Spring's TaskScheduler interface, wrapping a native ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor and providing all applicable configuration options for it. The default number of scheduler threads is 1; a higher number can be configured through setPoolSize(int).

This is Spring's traditional scheduler variant, staying as close as possible to ScheduledExecutorService semantics. Task execution happens on the scheduler thread(s) rather than on separate execution threads. As a consequence, a ScheduledFuture handle (for example, from schedule(Runnable, Instant)) represents the actual completion of the provided task (or series of repeated tasks).

Juergen Hoeller, Mark Fisher
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ThreadPoolTaskScheduler

      public ThreadPoolTaskScheduler()
  • Method Details

    • setPoolSize

      public void setPoolSize(int poolSize)
      Set the ScheduledExecutorService's pool size. Default is 1.

      This setting can be modified at runtime, for example through JMX.

    • setRemoveOnCancelPolicy

      public void setRemoveOnCancelPolicy(boolean flag)
      Set the remove-on-cancel mode on ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.

      Default is false. If set to true, the target executor will be switched into remove-on-cancel mode (if possible).

      This setting can be modified at runtime, for example through JMX.

      See Also:
    • setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy

      public void setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(boolean flag)
      Set whether to continue existing periodic tasks even when this executor has been shutdown.

      Default is false. If set to true, the target executor will be switched into continuing periodic tasks (if possible).

      This setting can be modified at runtime, for example through JMX.

      See Also:
    • setExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy

      public void setExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(boolean flag)
      Set whether to execute existing delayed tasks even when this executor has been shutdown.

      Default is true. If set to false, the target executor will be switched into dropping remaining tasks (if possible).

      This setting can be modified at runtime, for example through JMX.

      See Also:
    • setTaskDecorator

      public void setTaskDecorator(TaskDecorator taskDecorator)
      Specify a custom TaskDecorator to be applied to any Runnable about to be executed.

      Note that such a decorator is not being applied to the user-supplied Runnable/Callable but rather to the scheduled execution callback (a wrapper around the user-supplied task).

      The primary use case is to set some execution context around the task's invocation, or to provide some monitoring/statistics for task execution.

    • setErrorHandler

      public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler)
      Set a custom ErrorHandler strategy.
    • setClock

      public void setClock(Clock clock)
      Set the clock to use for scheduling purposes.

      The default clock is the system clock for the default time zone.

      See Also:
    • getClock

      public Clock getClock()
      Description copied from interface: TaskScheduler
      Return the clock to use for scheduling purposes.
      Specified by:
      getClock in interface TaskScheduler
      See Also:
    • initializeExecutor

      protected ExecutorService initializeExecutor(ThreadFactory threadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler)
      Description copied from class: ExecutorConfigurationSupport
      Create the target ExecutorService instance. Called by afterPropertiesSet.
      Specified by:
      initializeExecutor in class ExecutorConfigurationSupport
      threadFactory - the ThreadFactory to use
      rejectedExecutionHandler - the RejectedExecutionHandler to use
      a new ExecutorService instance
      See Also:
    • createExecutor

      protected ScheduledExecutorService createExecutor(int poolSize, ThreadFactory threadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler)
      Create a new ScheduledExecutorService instance.

      The default implementation creates a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. Can be overridden in subclasses to provide custom ScheduledExecutorService instances.

      poolSize - the specified pool size
      threadFactory - the ThreadFactory to use
      rejectedExecutionHandler - the RejectedExecutionHandler to use
      a new ScheduledExecutorService instance
      See Also:
    • getScheduledExecutor

      public ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutor() throws IllegalStateException
      Return the underlying ScheduledExecutorService for native access.
      the underlying ScheduledExecutorService (never null)
      IllegalStateException - if the ThreadPoolTaskScheduler hasn't been initialized yet
    • getScheduledThreadPoolExecutor

      public ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor getScheduledThreadPoolExecutor() throws IllegalStateException
      Return the underlying ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, if available.
      the underlying ScheduledExecutorService (never null)
      IllegalStateException - if the ThreadPoolTaskScheduler hasn't been initialized yet or if the underlying ScheduledExecutorService isn't a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
      See Also:
    • getPoolSize

      public int getPoolSize()
      Return the current pool size.

      Requires an underlying ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.

      See Also:
    • getActiveCount

      public int getActiveCount()
      Return the number of currently active threads.

      Requires an underlying ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.

      See Also:
    • isRemoveOnCancelPolicy

      @Deprecated public boolean isRemoveOnCancelPolicy()
      as of 5.3.9, in favor of direct getScheduledThreadPoolExecutor() access
      Return the current setting for the remove-on-cancel mode.

      Requires an underlying ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.

    • execute

      public void execute(Runnable task)
      Description copied from interface: TaskExecutor
      Execute the given task.

      The call might return immediately if the implementation uses an asynchronous execution strategy, or might block in the case of synchronous execution.

      Specified by:
      execute in interface Executor
      Specified by:
      execute in interface TaskExecutor
      task - the Runnable to execute (never null)
    • submit

      public Future<?> submit(Runnable task)
      Description copied from interface: AsyncTaskExecutor
      Submit a Runnable task for execution, receiving a Future representing that task. The Future will return a null result upon completion.

      As of 6.1, this method comes with a default implementation that delegates to TaskExecutor.execute(Runnable).

      Specified by:
      submit in interface AsyncTaskExecutor
      task - the Runnable to execute (never null)
      a Future representing pending completion of the task
    • submit

      public <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task)
      Description copied from interface: AsyncTaskExecutor
      Submit a Callable task for execution, receiving a Future representing that task. The Future will return the Callable's result upon completion.

      As of 6.1, this method comes with a default implementation that delegates to TaskExecutor.execute(Runnable).

      Specified by:
      submit in interface AsyncTaskExecutor
      task - the Callable to execute (never null)
      a Future representing pending completion of the task
    • schedule

      public @Nullable ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(Runnable task, Trigger trigger)
      Description copied from interface: TaskScheduler
      Schedule the given Runnable, invoking it whenever the trigger indicates a next execution time.

      Execution will end once the scheduler shuts down or the returned ScheduledFuture gets cancelled.

      Specified by:
      schedule in interface TaskScheduler
      task - the Runnable to execute whenever the trigger fires
      trigger - an implementation of the Trigger interface, for example, a CronTrigger object wrapping a cron expression
      a ScheduledFuture representing pending execution of the task, or null if the given Trigger object never fires (i.e. returns null from Trigger.nextExecution(org.springframework.scheduling.TriggerContext))
      See Also:
    • schedule

      public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(Runnable task, Instant startTime)
      Description copied from interface: TaskScheduler
      Schedule the given Runnable, invoking it at the specified execution time.

      Execution will end once the scheduler shuts down or the returned ScheduledFuture gets cancelled.

      Specified by:
      schedule in interface TaskScheduler
      task - the Runnable to execute whenever the trigger fires
      startTime - the desired execution time for the task (if this is in the past, the task will be executed immediately, i.e. as soon as possible)
      a ScheduledFuture representing pending execution of the task
    • scheduleAtFixedRate

      public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable task, Instant startTime, Duration period)
      Description copied from interface: TaskScheduler
      Schedule the given Runnable, invoking it at the specified execution time and subsequently with the given period.

      Execution will end once the scheduler shuts down or the returned ScheduledFuture gets cancelled.

      Specified by:
      scheduleAtFixedRate in interface TaskScheduler
      task - the Runnable to execute whenever the trigger fires
      startTime - the desired first execution time for the task (if this is in the past, the task will be executed immediately, i.e. as soon as possible)
      period - the interval between successive executions of the task
      a ScheduledFuture representing pending execution of the task
    • scheduleAtFixedRate

      public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable task, Duration period)
      Description copied from interface: TaskScheduler
      Schedule the given Runnable, starting as soon as possible and invoking it with the given period.

      Execution will end once the scheduler shuts down or the returned ScheduledFuture gets cancelled.

      Specified by:
      scheduleAtFixedRate in interface TaskScheduler
      task - the Runnable to execute whenever the trigger fires
      period - the interval between successive executions of the task
      a ScheduledFuture representing pending execution of the task
    • scheduleWithFixedDelay

      public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable task, Instant startTime, Duration delay)
      Description copied from interface: TaskScheduler
      Schedule the given Runnable, invoking it at the specified execution time and subsequently with the given delay between the completion of one execution and the start of the next.

      Execution will end once the scheduler shuts down or the returned ScheduledFuture gets cancelled.

      Specified by:
      scheduleWithFixedDelay in interface TaskScheduler
      task - the Runnable to execute whenever the trigger fires
      startTime - the desired first execution time for the task (if this is in the past, the task will be executed immediately, i.e. as soon as possible)
      delay - the delay between the completion of one execution and the start of the next
      a ScheduledFuture representing pending execution of the task
    • scheduleWithFixedDelay

      public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable task, Duration delay)
      Description copied from interface: TaskScheduler
      Schedule the given Runnable, starting as soon as possible and invoking it with the given delay between the completion of one execution and the start of the next.

      Execution will end once the scheduler shuts down or the returned ScheduledFuture gets cancelled.

      Specified by:
      scheduleWithFixedDelay in interface TaskScheduler
      task - the Runnable to execute whenever the trigger fires
      delay - the delay between the completion of one execution and the start of the next
      a ScheduledFuture representing pending execution of the task