Package-level declarations
Kotlin-specific implementation of the ExchangeFilterFunction interface that allows for using coroutines.
Kotlin-specific adaption of ExchangeFunction that allows for coroutines.
Coroutines variant of ClientResponse.toBodilessEntity.
Coroutines variant of WebClient.ResponseSpec.toBodilessEntity.
Non-nullable Coroutines variant of ClientResponse.bodyToMono.
Coroutines variant of WebClient.ResponseSpec.bodyToMono.
non-nullable coroutines variant of ClientResponse.bodyToMono. Please consider awaitBody<Foo>
variant if possible.
Nullable coroutines variant of ClientResponse.bodyToMono.
Coroutines variant of WebClient.ResponseSpec.bodyToMono.
nullable coroutines variant of ClientResponse.bodyToMono. Please consider awaitBodyOrNull<Foo>
variant if possible.
Coroutines variant of ClientResponse.toEntity.
Extension for WebClient.ResponseSpec.toEntity providing a toEntity<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters and allows kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext propagation to the CoExchangeFilterFunction. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
coroutines variant of ClientResponse.toEntity. Please consider awaitEntity<Foo>
variant if possible.
Coroutines variant of ClientResponse.toEntityList.
coroutines variant of ClientResponse.toEntityList. Please consider awaitEntityList<Foo>
variant if possible.
Coroutines variant of WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.exchangeToMono.
Variant of WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.awaitExchange that allows a nullable return
Extension for WebClient.RequestBodySpec.body providing a body(Publisher<T>)
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for WebClient.RequestBodySpec.body providing a body<T>(Any)
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for WebClient.RequestBodySpec.body providing a body(Flow<T>)
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Coroutines kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow based variant of ClientResponse.bodyToFlux.
Coroutines kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow based variant of WebClient.ResponseSpec.bodyToFlux.
coroutines kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow based variant of ClientResponse.bodyToFlux. Please consider bodyToFlow<Foo>
variant if possible.
Extension for ClientResponse.bodyToFlux providing a bodyToFlux<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for WebClient.ResponseSpec.bodyToFlux providing a bodyToFlux<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for ClientResponse.bodyToMono providing a bodyToMono<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for WebClient.ResponseSpec.bodyToMono providing a bodyToMono<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for WebClient.RequestBodySpec.bodyValue providing a bodyValueWithType<T>(Any)
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Coroutines variant of ClientResponse.createException.
Coroutines variant of WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec.exchangeToFlux.
Extension for ClientResponse.toEntity providing a toEntity<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for WebClient.ResponseSpec.toEntity providing a toEntity<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for WebClient.ResponseSpec.toEntityFlux providing a toEntityFlux<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for ClientResponse.toEntityList providing a bodyToEntityList<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.
Extension for WebClient.ResponseSpec.toEntityList providing a toEntityList<Foo>()
variant leveraging Kotlin reified type parameters. This extension is not subject to type erasure and retains actual generic type arguments.