Class AbstractPollingMessageListenerContainer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanNameAware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean, Lifecycle, Phased, SmartLifecycle, MessageListenerContainer
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractPollingMessageListenerContainer extends AbstractMessageListenerContainer
Base class for listener container implementations which are based on polling. Provides support for listener handling based on MessageConsumer, optionally participating in externally managed transactions.

This listener container variant is built for repeated polling attempts, each invoking the receiveAndExecute(java.lang.Object, jakarta.jms.Session, jakarta.jms.MessageConsumer) method. The MessageConsumer used may be reobtained fo reach attempt or cached in between attempts; this is up to the concrete implementation. The receive timeout for each attempt can be configured through the "receiveTimeout" property.

The underlying mechanism is based on standard JMS MessageConsumer handling, which is perfectly compatible with both native JMS and JMS in a Jakarta EE environment. Neither the JMS MessageConsumer.setMessageListener facility nor the JMS ServerSessionPool facility is required. A further advantage of this approach is full control over the listening process, allowing for custom scaling and throttling and of concurrent message processing (which is up to concrete subclasses).

Message reception and listener execution can automatically be wrapped in transactions through passing a Spring PlatformTransactionManager into the "transactionManager" property. This will usually be a JtaTransactionManager in a Jakarta EE environment, in combination with a JTA-aware JMS ConnectionFactory obtained from JNDI (check your application server's documentation).

This base class does not assume any specific mechanism for asynchronous execution of polling invokers. Check out DefaultMessageListenerContainer for a concrete implementation which is based on Spring's TaskExecutor abstraction, including dynamic scaling of concurrent consumers and automatic self recovery.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final long DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT
      The default receive timeout: 1000 ms = 1 second.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractPollingMessageListenerContainer

      public AbstractPollingMessageListenerContainer()
  • Method Details

    • setSessionTransacted

      public void setSessionTransacted(boolean sessionTransacted)
      Description copied from class: JmsAccessor
      Set the transaction mode that is used when creating a JMS Session. Default is "false".

      Note that within a JTA transaction, the parameters passed to create(Queue/Topic)Session(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) method are not taken into account. Depending on the Jakarta EE transaction context, the container makes its own decisions on these values. Analogously, these parameters are not taken into account within a locally managed transaction either, since the accessor operates on an existing JMS Session in this case.

      Setting this flag to "true" will use a short local JMS transaction when running outside a managed transaction, and a synchronized local JMS transaction in case of a managed transaction (other than an XA transaction) being present. This has the effect of a local JMS transaction being managed alongside the main transaction (which might be a native JDBC transaction), with the JMS transaction committing right after the main transaction.

      setSessionTransacted in class JmsAccessor
      See Also:
    • setTransactionManager

      public void setTransactionManager(@Nullable PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager)
      Specify the Spring PlatformTransactionManager to use for transactional wrapping of message reception plus listener execution.

      Default is none, not performing any transactional wrapping. If specified, this will usually be a Spring JtaTransactionManager or one of its subclasses, in combination with a JTA-aware ConnectionFactory that this message listener container obtains its Connections from.

      Note: Consider the use of local JMS transactions instead. Simply switch the "sessionTransacted" flag to "true" in order to use a locally transacted JMS Session for the entire receive processing, including any Session operations performed by a SessionAwareMessageListener (for example, sending a response message). This allows for fully synchronized Spring transactions based on local JMS transactions, similar to what JmsTransactionManager provides. Check AbstractMessageListenerContainer's javadoc for a discussion of transaction choices and message redelivery scenarios.

      See Also:
    • getTransactionManager

      @Nullable protected final PlatformTransactionManager getTransactionManager()
      Return the Spring PlatformTransactionManager to use for transactional wrapping of message reception plus listener execution.
    • setTransactionName

      public void setTransactionName(String transactionName)
      Specify the transaction name to use for transactional wrapping. Default is the bean name of this listener container, if any.
      See Also:
    • setTransactionTimeout

      public void setTransactionTimeout(int transactionTimeout)
      Specify the transaction timeout to use for transactional wrapping, in seconds. Default is none, using the transaction manager's default timeout.
      See Also:
    • setReceiveTimeout

      public void setReceiveTimeout(long receiveTimeout)
      Set the timeout to use for receive calls, in milliseconds. The default is 1000 ms, that is, 1 second.

      NOTE: This value needs to be smaller than the transaction timeout used by the transaction manager (in the appropriate unit, of course). 0 indicates no timeout at all; however, this is only feasible if not running within a transaction manager and generally discouraged since such a listener container cannot cleanly shut down. A negative value such as -1 indicates a no-wait receive operation.

      See Also:
    • getReceiveTimeout

      protected long getReceiveTimeout()
      Return the receive timeout (ms) configured for this listener container.
    • initialize

      public void initialize()
      Description copied from class: AbstractJmsListeningContainer
      Initialize this container.

      Creates a JMS Connection, starts the Connection (if "autoStartup" hasn't been turned off), and calls AbstractJmsListeningContainer.doInitialize().

      initialize in class AbstractJmsListeningContainer
    • createListenerConsumer

      protected MessageConsumer createListenerConsumer(Session session) throws JMSException
      Create a MessageConsumer for the given JMS Session, registering a MessageListener for the specified listener.
      session - the JMS Session to work on
      the MessageConsumer
      JMSException - if thrown by JMS methods
      See Also:
    • receiveAndExecute

      protected boolean receiveAndExecute(Object invoker, @Nullable Session session, @Nullable MessageConsumer consumer) throws JMSException
      Execute the listener for a message received from the given consumer, wrapping the entire operation in an external transaction if demanded.
      session - the JMS Session to work on
      consumer - the MessageConsumer to work on
      whether a message has been received
      JMSException - if thrown by JMS methods
      See Also:
    • doReceiveAndExecute

      protected boolean doReceiveAndExecute(Object invoker, @Nullable Session session, @Nullable MessageConsumer consumer, @Nullable TransactionStatus status) throws JMSException
      Actually execute the listener for a message received from the given consumer, fetching all requires resources and invoking the listener.
      session - the JMS Session to work on
      consumer - the MessageConsumer to work on
      status - the TransactionStatus (may be null)
      whether a message has been received
      JMSException - if thrown by JMS methods
      See Also:
    • isSessionLocallyTransacted

      protected boolean isSessionLocallyTransacted(Session session)
      This implementation checks whether the Session is externally synchronized. In this case, the Session is not locally transacted, despite the listener container's "sessionTransacted" flag being set to "true".
      isSessionLocallyTransacted in class AbstractMessageListenerContainer
      session - the Session to check
      whether the given Session is locally transacted
      See Also:
    • shouldCommitAfterNoMessageReceived

      protected boolean shouldCommitAfterNoMessageReceived(Session session)
      Determine whether to trigger a commit after no message has been received. This is a good idea on any modern-day JMS provider.
      session - the current JMS Session which received no message
      whether to call AbstractMessageListenerContainer.commitIfNecessary(jakarta.jms.Session, jakarta.jms.Message) on the given Session
    • receiveMessage

      @Nullable protected Message receiveMessage(MessageConsumer consumer) throws JMSException
      Receive a message from the given consumer.
      consumer - the MessageConsumer to use
      the Message, or null if none
      JMSException - if thrown by JMS methods
    • messageReceived

      protected void messageReceived(Object invoker, Session session)
      Template method that gets called right when a new message has been received, before attempting to process it. Allows subclasses to react to the event of an actual incoming message, for example adapting their consumer count.
      invoker - the invoker object (passed through)
      session - the receiving JMS Session
    • noMessageReceived

      protected void noMessageReceived(Object invoker, Session session)
      Template method that gets called when no message has been received, before returning to the receive loop again. Allows subclasses to react to the event of no incoming message, for example marking the invoker as idle.
      invoker - the invoker object (passed through)
      session - the receiving JMS Session
    • getConnection

      @Nullable protected Connection getConnection(JmsResourceHolder holder)
      Fetch an appropriate Connection from the given JmsResourceHolder.

      This implementation accepts any JMS 1.1 Connection.

      holder - the JmsResourceHolder
      an appropriate Connection fetched from the holder, or null if none found
    • getSession

      @Nullable protected Session getSession(JmsResourceHolder holder)
      Fetch an appropriate Session from the given JmsResourceHolder.

      This implementation accepts any JMS 1.1 Session.

      holder - the JmsResourceHolder
      an appropriate Session fetched from the holder, or null if none found