Spring GemFire 1.0.1 API Reference

RegionAttributesFactoryObject Properties

The properties of the RegionAttributesFactoryObject class are listed below. For a complete list of RegionAttributesFactoryObject class members, see the RegionAttributesFactoryObject Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

CachingEnabled Sets the caching enabled flag for this region.
ClientNotification Sets the client notification to be enabled/disabled.
CloningEnabled Gets or sets the cloning enabled.
ConcurrencyLevel Sets the allowed concurrency among updates to values in the region is guided by the concurrencyLevel, which is used as a hint for internal sizing. Default 16.
DiskPolicy Sets the disk policy. Only used when a new region is created.
EntryIdleTimeout Sets the entry idle timeout in seconds
EntryIdleTimeoutAction Sets the entry idle timeout expiration action.
EntryTimeToLive Sets the entry time to live in seconds
EntryTimeToLiveAction Sets the entry time to live expiration action.
InitialCapacity Sets the initial capacity of the map used for storing the entries. Default is 16
IsSingletonMissing <summary> documentation for P:Spring.Data.GemFire.RegionAttributesFactoryObject.IsSingleton
LoadFactor Sets the load factor of the map used for storing the entries. Default 0.75
LocalScope Sets a value indicating whether the region should be local scope, creating a private data set in the memory area where this region residers, invisible to other client caches in the system.
LruEntriesLimit Sets a limit on the number of entries that will be held in the cache. If a new entry is added while at the limit, the cache will evict the least recently used entry.
ObjectTypeMissing <summary> documentation for P:Spring.Data.GemFire.RegionAttributesFactoryObject.ObjectType
RegionIdleTimeout Sets the region idle timeout in seconds
RegionIdleTimeoutAction Sets the region idle timeout expiration action.
RegionTimeToLive Sets the region time to live in seconds for the region as a whole
RegionTimeToLiveAction Sets the region time to live expiration action.

See Also

RegionAttributesFactoryObject Class | Spring.Data.GemFire Namespace