Chapter 1. Bootstrapping GemFire through the Spring container

One of the first tasks when using GemFire and Spring is to configure the data grid through the IoC container. While this is possible out of the box, the configuration tends to be verbose and only address basic cases. To address this problem, the Spring GemFire project provides several classes that enable the configuration of distributed caches or regions to support a variety of scenarios with minimal effort.

1.1. Configuring the GemFire Cache

In order to use the GemFire Fabric, one needs to either create a new Cache or connect to an existing one. As in the current version of GemFire, there can be only one opened cache per VM (or classloader to be technically correct). In most cases the cache is created once and then all other consumers connect to it.

In its simplest form, a cache can be defined in one line:

<bean id="default-cache" class=""/>

Here, the default-cache will try to connect to an existing cache and, in case one does not exist, create it. Since no additional properties were specified the created cache uses the default cache configuration.

Especially in environments with opened caches, this basic configuration can go a long way. For scenarios where the cache needs to be configured, the user can pass in a reference the GemFire configuration file:

<bean id="cache-with-xml" class="">
    <property name="cacheXml" value="classpath:cache.xml"/>

In this example, if the cache needs to be created, it will use the file named cache.xml located in the classpath root. Only if the cache is created will the configuration file be used.


Note that the configuration makes use of Spring's Resource abstraction to locate the file. This allows various search patterns to be used, depending on the running environment or the prefix specified (if any) by the value.

In addition to referencing an external configuration file one can specify GemFire settings directly through Java Properties. This can be quite handy when just a few settings need to be changed:

<bean id="cache-with-props" class="">
    <property name="properties">
           <prop key="bind-address"></prop>

So far our examples relied on the primary Spring namespace (beans). However one is free to add other namespaces to simplify or enhance the configuration. Let's do the same thing to the configuration above by using the util namespace and externalize the properties from the configuration which is a best practice.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

  <bean id="cache-with-props" class="">
    <property name="properties">
      <util:properties location="classpath:/deployment/"/>

It is worth pointing out again, that the cache settings apply only if the cache needs to be created, there is no opened cache in existence otherwise the existing cache will be used and the configuration will simply be discarded.

1.2. Configuring a GemFire Region

Once the Cache is configured, one needs to configure one or more Regions to interact with the data fabric. In a similar manner to the CacheFactoryBean, the RegionFactoryBean allows existing Regions to retrieved or, in case they don't exist, created using various settings. One can specify the Region name, whether it will be destroyed on shutdown (thereby acting as a temporary cache), the associated CacheLoaders, CacheListeners and CacheWriters and if needed, the RegionAttributes for full customization.

Let us start with a simple region declaration, named basic using a nested cache declaration:

<bean id="basic" class="">
  <property name="cache">
      <bean class=""/>
  <property name="name" value="basic"/>

Since the region bean definition name is usually the same with that of the cache, the name property can be omitted (the bean name will be used automatically). Additionally by using the name the p namespace, the configuration can be simplified even more:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <!-- shared cache across regions -->
    <bean id="cache" class=""/>

    <!-- region named 'basic' -->
    <bean id="basic" class="" p:cache-ref="cache"/>

    <!-- region with a name different then the bean definition -->
    <bean id="root-region" class="" p:cache-ref="cache" p:name="default-region"/>

It is worth pointing out, that for the vast majority of cases configuring the cache loader, listener and writer through the Spring container is preferred since the same instances can be reused across multiple regions and additionally, the instances themselves can benefit from the container's rich feature set:

<bean id="cacheLogger" class="org.some.pkg.CacheLogger"/>
<bean id="customized-region" class="" p:cache-ref="cache">
  <property name="cacheListeners">
      <ref name="cacheLogger"/>
    <bean class="org.some.other.pkg.SysoutLogger"/>
  <property name="cacheLoader"><bean class="org.some.pkg.CacheLoad"/></property>
  <property name="cacheWriter"><bean class="org.some.pkg.CacheWrite"/></property>

<bean id="local-region" class="" p:cache-ref="cache">
  <property name="cacheListeners" ref="cacheLogger"/>	

1.2.1. Configuring a client Region

For scenarios where a CacheServer is used and clients need to be configured, SGI offers a dedicated configuration class named: ClientRegionFactoryBean. This allows client interests to be registered in both key and regex form through Interest and RegexInterest classes in the package:

<bean id="interested-client" class="" p:cache-ref="cache" p:name="client-region">
  <property name="interests">
      <!-- key-based interest -->
      <bean class="" p:key="Vlaicu" p:policy="NONE"/>
      <!-- regex-based interest -->
      <bean class="" p:key=".*" p:policy="KEYS" p:durable="true"/>

1.2.2. Advanced configuration through a Region's attributes

Users that need fine control over a region, can configure it in Spring by using the attributes property. To ease declarative configuration in Spring, SGI provides two FactoryBeans for creating RegionAttributes and PartitionAttributes, namely RegionAttributesFactory and PartitionAttributesFactory. See below an example of configuring a partitioned region through Spring XML:

<bean id="partitioned-region" class="" p:cache-ref="cache">
  <property name="attributes">
    <bean class="" p:initial-capacity="1024">
      <property name="partitionAttributes">
        <bean class="" p:redundant-copies="2" p:local-max-memory="512"/>

By using the attribute factories above, one can reduce the size of the cache.xml or even eliminate it all together.