Interface GraphQlRequest

All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientGraphQlRequest, ExecutionGraphQlRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultExecutionGraphQlRequest, DefaultGraphQlRequest, RSocketGraphQlRequest, WebGraphQlRequest, WebSocketGraphQlRequest

public interface GraphQlRequest
Represents a GraphQL request with the inputs to pass to a GraphQL service including a document, operationName, and variables.

The request can be turned to a Map via toMap() and to be submitted as JSON over HTTP or WebSocket.

Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Method Details

    • getDocument

      String getDocument()
      Return the GraphQL document which is the textual representation of an operation (or operations) to perform, including any selection sets and fragments.
    • getOperationName

      @Nullable String getOperationName()
      Return the name of the operation in the document to execute, if the document contains multiple operations.
    • getVariables

      Map<String,Object> getVariables()
      Return values for variable defined by the operation.
    • getExtensions

      Map<String,Object> getExtensions()
      Return implementor specific, protocol extensions, if any.
    • toMap

      Map<String,Object> toMap()
      Convert the request to a Map as defined in GraphQL over HTTP and GraphQL over WebSocket: