Interface ResponseField

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public interface ResponseField
Representation for a field in a GraphQL response, with options to examine the field value and errors.
Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return all errors that have a path, and it is at above, or below the field path.
    Return a parsed representation of the field path, in the format described for error paths in Section 7.1.2, "Response Format" of the GraphQL spec.
    Return a String representation of the field path as described in ClientGraphQlResponse.field(String).
    <T> T
    Return the raw field value, e.g.
  • Method Details

    • getPath

      String getPath()
      Return a String representation of the field path as described in ClientGraphQlResponse.field(String).
    • getParsedPath

      List<Object> getParsedPath()
      Return a parsed representation of the field path, in the format described for error paths in Section 7.1.2, "Response Format" of the GraphQL spec.
      See Also:
    • getValue

      @Nullable <T> T getValue()
      Return the raw field value, e.g. Map, List, or a scalar type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the expected value type to cast to
      the value
    • getErrors

      List<ResponseError> getErrors()
      Return all errors that have a path, and it is at above, or below the field path.

      According to the GraphQL spec, section 6.4.4, "Handling Field Errors" if a field has an error it is set to null. That means a field has either a value or an error, and there is only one error per field.

      Errors may also occur at paths above or below the field path. Consider the following cases:

      Value Errors Case
      Non-null Empty Success
      Non-null Errors below Partial with errors on nested fields
      null Error at field Field failure
      null Error above field Parent field failure
      null Error below field Nested field failure bubbles up because field is required