This project provides some APIs to ease creating REST representations that follow the HATEOAS principle when working with Spring and especially Spring MVC. The core problem it tries to address is link creation and representation assembly.

© 2012-2019 The original authors.

Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.

1. Preface

1.1. Migrating to Spring HATEOAS 1.0

For 1.0 we took the chance to re-evaluate some of the design and package structure choices we had made for the 0.x branch. There had been an incredible amount of feedback on it and the major version bump seemed to be the most natural place to refactor those.

1.1.1. The changes

The biggest changes in package structure were driven by the introduction of a hypermedia type registration API to support additional media types in Spring HATEOAS. This lead to the clear separation of client and server APIs (packages named respectively) as well as media type implementations in the package mediatype.

The easiest way to get your code base upgraded to the new API is by using the migration script. Before we jump to that, here are the changes at a quick glance.

Representation models

The ResourceSupport/Resource/Resources/PagedResources group of classes never really felt appropriately named. After all, these types do not actually manifest resources but rather representation models that can be enriched with hypermedia information and affordances. Here’s how new names map to the old ones:

  • ResourceSupport is now RepresentationModel

  • Resource is now EntityModel

  • Resources is now CollectionModel

  • PagedResources is now PagedModel

Consequently, ResourceAssembler has been renamed to RepresentationModelAssembler and its methods toResource(…) and toResources(…) have been renamed to toModel(…) and toCollectionModel(…) respectively. Also the name changes have been reflected in the classes contained in TypeReferences.

  • RepresentationModel.getLinks() now exposes a Links instance (over a List<Link>) as that exposes additional API to concatenate and merge different Links instances using various strategies. Also it has been turned into a self-bound generic type to allow the methods that add links to the instance return the instance itself.

  • The LinkDiscoverer API has been moved to the client package.

  • The LinkBuilder and EntityLinks APIs have been moved to the server package.

  • ControllerLinkBuilder has been moved into server.mvc and deprecated to be replaced by WebMvcLinkBuilder.

  • VndError has been moved to the mediatype.vnderror package.

1.1.2. The migration script

You can find a script to run from your application root that will update all import statements and static method references to Spring HATEOAS types that moved in our source code repository. Simply download that, run it from your project root. By default it will inspect all Java source files and replace the legacy Spring HATEOAS type references with the new ones.

Example 1. Sample application of the migration script
$ ./

Migrating Spring HATEOAS references to 1.0 for files : *.java

Adapting ./src/main/java/…


Note that the script will not necessarily be able to entirely fix all changes, but it should cover the most important refactorings.

Now verify the changes made to the files in your favorite Git client and commit as appropriate. In case you find method or type references unmigrated, please open a ticket in out issue tracker.

2. Fundamentals

This section covers the basics of Spring HATEOAS and its fundamental domain abstractions.

The fundamental idea of hypermedia is to enrich the representation of a resource with hypermedia elements. The simplest form of that are links. They indicate a client that it can navigate to a certain resource. The semantics of a related resource are defined in a so called link relation. You might have seen this in the header of an HTML file already:

Example 2. A link in an HTML document
<link href="theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

As you can see the link points to a resource theme.css and indicates that it is a style sheet. Links often carry additional information, like the media type that the resource pointed to will return. However, the fundamental building blocks of a link are its reference and relation.

Spring HATEOAS let’s you work with links through its immutable Link value type. Its constructor take both an hypertext reference and a link relation, the latter being defaulted to the IANA link relation self. Read more on the latter in Link relations.

Example 3. Using links
Link link = new Link("/something");

link = new Link("/something", "my-rel");

Link exposes other attributes as defined in RFC-5988. You can set them by calling the corresponding wither method on a Link instance.

Find more information on how to create links pointing to Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux controllers in Building links.

2.2. URI templates

For a Spring HATEOAS Link, the hypertext reference can not only be a URI, but also a URI template according to RFC-6570. A URI template contains so called template variables and allows expansion of these parameters. This allows clients to turn parameterized templates into URIs without having to know about the structure of the final URI, it only needs to know about the names or the variables.

Example 4. Using links with templated URIs
Link link = new Link("/{segment}/something{?parameter}");
assertThat(link.isTemplated()).isTrue(); (1)
assertThat(link.getVariableNames()).contains("segment", "parameter"); (2)

Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("segment", "path");
values.put("parameter", 42);

assertThat(link.expand(values).getHref()) (3)
1 The Link instance indicates that is templated, i.e. it contains a URI template.
2 It exposes the parameters contained in the template.
3 It allows expansion of the parameters.

URI templates can be constructed manually and template variables added later on.

Example 5. Working with URI templates
UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate("/{segment}/something")
  .with(new TemplateVariable("parameter", VariableType.REQUEST_PARAM);


To indicate the relationship of target resource to the current one so called link relations are used. Spring HATEOAS provides a LinkRelation type to easily create String-based instances of it.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority contains a set of predefined link relations. They can be referred to via IanaLinkRelations.

Example 6. Using IANA link relations
Link link = new Link("/some-resource"), IanaLinkRelations.NEXT);


2.4. Representation models

To easily create hypermedia enriched representations, Spring HATEOAS provides a set of classes with RepresentationModel at their root. It’s basically a container for a collection of Links and has convenient methods to add those to the model. The models can later be rendered into various media type formats that will define how the hypermedia elements look in the representation. For more information on this, have a look at Media types

Example 7. The RepresentationModel class hierarchy
diagram classes

The default way to work with a RepresentationModel is to create a subclass of it to contain all the properties the representation is supposed to contain, create instances of that class, populate the properties and enrich it with links.

Example 8. A sample representation model type
class PersonModel extends RepresentationModel<PersonModel> {

  String firstname, lastname;

The generic self-typing is necessary to let RepresentationModel.add(…) return instances of itself. The model type can now be used like this:

Example 9. Using the person representation model
PersonModel model = new PersonModel();
model.firstname = "Dave";
model.lastname = "Matthews";
model.add(new Link("http://myhost/people/42"));

If you returned such an instance from a Spring MVC or WebFlux controller and the client sent an Accept header set to application/hal+json, the response would look as follows:

Example 10. The HAL representation generated for the person representation model
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "http://myhost/people/42"
  "firstname" : "Dave",
  "lastname" : "Matthews"

2.4.1. Item resource representation model

For a resource that’s backed by a singular object or concept, a convenience EntityModel type exists. Instead of creating a custom model type for each concept, you can just reuse an already existing type and wrap instances of it into the EntityModel.

Example 11. Using EntityModel to wrap existing objects
Person person = new Person("Dave", "Matthews");
EntityModel<Person> model = new EntityModel<>(person);

2.4.2. Collection resource representation model

For resources that a conceptually collections, a CollectionModel is available. Its elements can either be simple objects or RepresentationModel instances in turn.

Example 12. Using EntityModel to wrap existing objects
Collection<Person> people = Collections.singleton(new Person("Dave", "Matthews"));
CollectionModel<Person> model = new CollectionModel<>(people);

2.5. Affordances

The affordances of the environment are what it offers …​ what it provides or furnishes, either for good or ill. The verb 'to afford' is found in the dictionary, but the noun 'affordance' is not. I have made it up.

— James J. Gibson
The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception (page 126)

REST-based resources provide not just data but controls. The last ingredient to form a flexible service are detailed affordances on how to use the various controls.

Because affordances are associated with links, Spring HATEOAS provides an API to attach as many related methods as needed to a link. The following code shows how to take a self link and associate two more affordances:

Example 13. Connecting affordances to GET /employees/{id}
public EntityModel<Employee> findOne(@PathVariable Integer id) {

  Class<EmployeeController> controllerClass = EmployeeController.class;

  // Start the affordance with the "self" link, i.e. this method.
  Link findOneLink = linkTo(methodOn(controllerClass).findOne(id)).withSelfRel(); (1)

  // Return the affordance + a link back to the entire collection resource.
  return new EntityModel<>(EMPLOYEES.get(id), //
      findOneLink //
          .andAffordance(afford(methodOn(controllerClass).updateEmployee(null, id))) (2)
          .andAffordance(afford(methodOn(controllerClass).partiallyUpdateEmployee(null, id)))); (3)
1 Create the self link.
2 Associate the updateEmployee method with the self link.
3 Associate the partiallyUpdateEmployee method with the self link.

Using .andAffordance(afford(…​)), you can use the controller’s methods to connect a PUT and a PATCH operation to a GET operation.

Imagine that the related methods afforded above looking like this:

Example 14. updateEmpoyee method that responds to PUT /employees/{id}
public ResponseEntity<?> updateEmployee( //
    @RequestBody EntityModel<Employee> employee, @PathVariable Integer id)
Example 15. partiallyUpdateEmployee method that responds to PATCH /employees/{id}
public ResponseEntity<?> partiallyUpdateEmployee( //
    @RequestBody EntityModel<Employee> employee, @PathVariable Integer id)

There are many media types that support rendering affordances. Unfortunately, HAL isn’t one of them.

A HAL document for GET /employees/{id} would look like this:

Example 16. HAL document with no affordances
  "firstname" : "Frodo",
  "lastname" : "Baggins",
  "role" : "ring bearer",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/employees/1"

HAL supports providing links, but nothing else. While powerful, it doesn’t let you show clients what inputs are required by its various operations. Nor does it show what HTTP methods are supported.

However, HAL-FORMS (application/prs.hal-forms+json), is a backwards compatible extension of HAL s that adds _templates. This affordance-aware media type can fill in what’s missing.

The same resource above will render the following HAL-FORMS document:

Example 17. HAL-FORMS document with affordances
  "firstName" : "Frodo",
  "lastName" : "Baggins",
  "role" : "ring bearer",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/employees/1"
  "_templates" : {  (1)
    "default" : {
      "title" : null,
      "method" : "put", (2)
      "contentType" : "",
      "properties" : [ { (3)
        "name" : "firstName",
        "required" : true (4)
      }, {
        "name" : "lastName",
        "required" : true
      }, {
        "name" : "role",
        "required" : true
      } ]
    "partiallyUpdateEmployee" : { (5)
      "title" : null,
      "method" : "patch", (6)
      "contentType" : "",
      "properties" : [ {
        "name" : "firstName",
        "required" : false (7)
      }, {
        "name" : "lastName",
        "required" : false
      }, {
        "name" : "role",
        "required" : false
      } ]
1 The _templates attribute provided by HAL-FORMS with affordance-based information.
2 The updateEmployee method’s @PutMapping annotation is translated to put.
3 The method’s @RequestBody input type is used to find domain properties.
4 For POST and PUT, all attributes are required.
5 The second affordance is named after the partiallyUpdateEmployee method.
6 @PatchMapping is translated into patch.
7 For PATCH, attributes are not required.

This rich document, consumable by any HAL-FORMS aware client includes enough extra details for full interaction with the resource.

In fact, this type of document makes it easy to write custom client-side code to generate an HTML form:

<form method="put" action="http://localhost:8080/employees/1">
  <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName"/>
  <input type="text" id="lastName" name="lastName" />
  <input type="text" id="role" name="role" />
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Letting hypermedia drive web forms for users reduces the need for the client to know about the domain.

By trading in domain knowledge and instead adding protocol support for HAL-FORMS, clients can become flexible and receptive to server-side changes. No need to update your client every time a domain change is made on the server.

HAL-FORMS only supports affordances against the self link, but other affordance-aware media types may not have the same restriction. In general, don’t define affordances based on one particular media type.

3. Media types

3.1. HAL – Hypertext Application Language

JSON Hypertext Application Language or HAL is one of the simplest and most widely adopted hypermedia media types adopted when not discussing specific web stacks.

It was the first spec-based media type adopted by Spring HATEAOS.

3.1.1. Configuring link rendering

In HAL, the _links entry is a JSON object. The property names are link relations and each value is either a link object or an array of link objects.

For a given link relation that has two or more links, the spec is clear on representation:

Example 18. HAL document with two links associated with one relation
  "_links": {
    "item": [
      { "href": "http://myhost/cart/42" },
      { "href": "http://myhost/inventory/12" }
  "customer": "Dave Matthews"

But if there is only one link for a given relation, the spec is ambiguous. You could render that as either a single object or as 1-item array.

By default, Spring HATEOAS uses the most terse approach and renders a single-link relation like this:

Example 19. HAL document with single link rendered as an object
  "_links": {
    "item": { "href": "http://myhost/inventory/12" }
  "customer": "Dave Matthews"

Some users prefer to not switch between arrays and objects when consuming HAL. They would prefer this type of rendering:

Example 20. HAL with single link rendered as an array
  "_links": {
    "item": [{ "href": "http://myhost/inventory/12" }]
  "customer": "Dave Matthews"

If you wish to customize this policy, all you have to do is inject a HalConfiguration bean into your application configuration. There are multiple choices.

Example 21. Global HAL single-link rendering policy
public HalConfiguration globalPolicy() {
  return new HalConfiguration() //
      .withRenderSingleLinks(RenderSingleLinks.AS_ARRAY); (1)
1 Override Spring HATEOAS’s default by rendering ALL single-link relations as arrays.

If you prefer to only override some particular link relations, you can create a HalConfiguration bean like this:

Example 22. Link relation-based HAL single-link rendering policy
public HalConfiguration linkRelationBasedPolicy() {
  return new HalConfiguration() //
      .withRenderSingleLinksFor( //
          IanaLinkRelations.ITEM, RenderSingleLinks.AS_ARRAY) (1)
      .withRenderSingleLinksFor( //
          LinkRelation.of("prev"), RenderSingleLinks.AS_SINGLE); (2)
1 Always render item link relations as an array.
2 Render prev link relations as an object when there is only one link.

If neither of these match your needs, you can use an Ant-style path patterns:

Example 23. Pattern-based HAL single-link rendering policy
public HalConfiguration patternBasedPolicy() {
  return new HalConfiguration() //
      .withRenderSingleLinksFor( //
          "http*", RenderSingleLinks.AS_ARRAY); (1)
1 Render all link relations that start with http as an array.
The pattern-based approach uses Spring’s AntPathMatcher.

All of these HalConfiguration withers can be combined to form one comprehensive policy. Be sure to test your API extensively to avoid surprises.

3.1.2. Using the CurieProvider API

The Web Linking RFC describes registered and extension link relation types. Registered rels are well-known strings registered with the IANA registry of link relation types. Extension rel URIs can be used by applications that do not wish to register a relation type. Each one is a URI that uniquely identifies the relation type. The rel URI can be serialized as a compact URI or Curie. For example, a curie of ex:persons stands for the link relation type if ex is defined as{rel}. If curies are used, the base URI must be present in the response scope.

The rel values created by the default RelProvider are extension relation types and, as a result, must be URIs, which can cause a lot of overhead. The CurieProvider API takes care of that: It lets you define a base URI as a URI template and a prefix that stands for that base URI. If a CurieProvider is present, the RelProvider prepends all rel values with the curie prefix. Furthermore a curies link is automatically added to the HAL resource.

The following configuration defines a default curie provider:

@EnableHypermediaSupport(type= {HypermediaType.HAL})
public class Config {

  public CurieProvider curieProvider() {
    return new DefaultCurieProvider("ex", new UriTemplate("{rel}"));

Note that now the ex: prefix automatically appears before all rel values that are not registered with IANA, as in ex:orders. Clients can use the curies link to resolve a curie to its full form. The following example shows how to do so:

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "http://myhost/person/1"
    "curies": {
      "name": "ex",
      "href": "{rel}",
      "templated": true
    "ex:orders": {
      "href": "http://myhost/person/1/orders"
  "firstname": "Dave",
  "lastname": "Matthews"

Since the purpose of the CurieProvider API is to allow for automatic curie creation, you can define only one CurieProvider bean per application scope.


HAL-FORMS is designed to add runtime FORM support to the HAL media type.

HAL-FORMS "looks like HAL." However, it is important to keep in mind that HAL-FORMS is not the same as HAL — the two should not be thought of as interchangeable in any way.

— Mike Amundsen

To enable this media type, put the following configuration in your code:

Example 24. HAL-FORMS enabled application
@EnableHypermediaSupport(type = HypermediaType.HAL_FORMS)
public class HalFormsApplication {


Anytime a client supplies an Accept header with application/prs.hal-forms+json, you can expect something like this:

Example 25. HAL-FORMS sample document
  "firstName" : "Frodo",
  "lastName" : "Baggins",
  "role" : "ring bearer",
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/employees/1"
  "_templates" : {
    "default" : {
      "title" : null,
      "method" : "put",
      "contentType" : "",
      "properties" : [ {
        "name" : "firstName",
        "required" : true
      }, {
        "name" : "lastName",
        "required" : true
      }, {
        "name" : "role",
        "required" : true
      } ]
    "partiallyUpdateEmployee" : {
      "title" : null,
      "method" : "patch",
      "contentType" : "",
      "properties" : [ {
        "name" : "firstName",
        "required" : false
      }, {
        "name" : "lastName",
        "required" : false
      }, {
        "name" : "role",
        "required" : false
      } ]

Checkout the HAL-FORMS spec to understand the details of the _templates attribute. Read about the Affordances API to augment your controllers with this extra metadata.

As for single-item (EntityModel) and aggregate root collections (CollectionModel), Spring HATEOAS renders them identically to HAL documents.

3.3. Collection+JSON

Collection+JSON is a JSON spec registered with IANA-approved media type application/vnd.collection+json.

Collection+JSON is a JSON-based read/write hypermedia-type designed to support management and querying of simple collections.

— Mike Amundsen
Collection+JSON spec

Collection+JSON provides a uniform way to represent both single item resources as well as collections.

To enable this media type, put the following configuration in your code:

Example 26. Collection+JSON enabled application
@EnableHypermediaSupport(type = HypermediaType.COLLECTION_JSON)
public class CollectionJsonApplication {


This configuration will make your application respond to requests that have an Accept header of application/vnd.collection+json as shown below.

The following example from the spec shows a single item:

Example 27. Collection+JSON single item example
  "collection": {
    "version": "1.0",
    "href": "", (1)
    "links": [   (2)
        "rel": "feed",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "queries",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "template",
        "href": ""
    "items": [  (3)
        "href": "",
        "data": [  (4)
            "name": "fullname",
            "value": "J. Doe",
            "prompt": "Full Name"
            "name": "email",
            "value": "[email protected]",
            "prompt": "Email"
        "links": [ (5)
            "rel": "blog",
            "href": "",
            "prompt": "Blog"
            "rel": "avatar",
            "href": "",
            "prompt": "Avatar",
            "render": "image"
1 The self link is stored in the document’s href attribute.
2 The document’s top links section contains collection-level links (minus the self link).
3 The items section contains a collection of data. Since this is a single-item document, it only has one entry.
4 The data section contains actual content. It’s made up of properties.
5 The item’s individual links.

The previous fragment was lifted from the spec. When Spring HATEOAS renders an EntityModel, it will:

  • Put the self link into both the document’s href attribute and the item-level href attribute.

  • Put the rest of the model’s links into both the top-level links as well as the item-level links.

  • Extract the properties from the EntityModel and turn them into

When rendering a collection of resources, the document is almost the same, except there will be multiple entries inside the items JSON array, one for each entry.

Spring HATEOAS more specifically will:

  • Put the entire collection’s self link into the top-level href attribute.

  • The CollectionModel links (minus self) will be put into the top-level links.

  • Each item-level href will contain the corresponding self link for each entry from the CollectionModel.content collection.

  • Each item-level links will contain all other links for each entry from CollectionModel.content.

3.4. UBER - Uniform Basis for Exchanging Representations

UBER is an experimental JSON spec

The UBER document format is a minimal read/write hypermedia type designed to support simple state transfers and ad-hoc hypermedia-based transitions.

— Mike Amundsen
UBER spec

UBER provides a uniform way to represent both single item resources as well as collections.

To enable this media type, put the following configuration in your code:

Example 28. UBER+JSON enabled application
@EnableHypermediaSupport(type = HypermediaType.UBER)
public class UberApplication {


This configuration will make your application respond to requests using the Accept header application/vnd.amundsen-uber+json as show below:

Example 29. UBER sample document
  "uber" : {
    "version" : "1.0",
    "data" : [ {
      "rel" : [ "self" ],
      "url" : "/employees/1"
    }, {
      "name" : "employee",
      "data" : [ {
        "name" : "role",
        "value" : "ring bearer"
      }, {
        "name" : "name",
        "value" : "Frodo"
      } ]
    } ]

This media type is still under development as is the spec itself. Feel free to open a ticket if you run into issues using it.

UBER media type is not associated in any way with Uber Technologies Inc., the ride sharing company.

3.5. Registering a custom media type

Spring HATEOAS allows to integrate support for custom media types through a set of SPIs, that third parties can implement. The building blocks of an such an implementations are:

  1. Some form of Jackson ObjectMapper customization. In its most simple case that’s a Jackson Module implementation.

  2. A LinkDiscoverer implementation so that the client side support is able to detect links in representations generated.

  3. Some configuration infrastructure that will allow Spring HATEOAS to find the custom implementation and pick up its configuration.

3.5.1. Custom media type configuration

Custom media type implementations are picked up through Spring’s SpringFactories mechanism, similar to the Java ServiceLoader API. Each media type implementation needs to ship with a spring.factories in META-INF containing an implementation class entry for the org.springframework.hateoas.config.MediaTypeConfigurationProvider key:

Example 30. An example MediaTypeConfigurationProvider declaration

That implementation class could then look as follows:

Example 31. An example MediaTypeConfigurationProvider implementation in META-INF/spring.factories
class MyMediaTypeConfigurationProvider
  implements MediaTypeConfigurationProvider {

  public Class<? extends HypermediaMappingInformation> getConfiguration() {
    return MyMediaTypeConfiguration.class; (1)

  public boolean supportsAny(Collection<MediaType> mediaTypes) {
    return mediaTypes.contains(MediaTypes.HAL_JSON); (2)

The configuration class needs to have a default constructor and expose two methods:

1 A method returning a Spring configuration class that will be included in the application bootstrap when Spring HATEOAS is activated (either implicitly via Spring Boot auto-configuration or via @EnableHypermediaSupport).
2 A callback method that will get the application selected media types to activate passed. This allows the media type implementation to control, when it it will be activated.

The configuration class has to implement HypermediaMappingInformation. It could look as simple as this:

class MyMediaTypeConfiguration implements HypermediaMappingInformation {

  public List<MediaType> getMediaTypes() {
    return MediaType.parse("application/vnd-acme-media-type") (1)

  public Module getJacksonModule() {
    return new Jackson2MediaTypeModule(); (2)

  MyLinkDiscoverer myLinkDiscoverer() {
    return new MyLinkDiscoverer(); (3)
1 The configuration class returns the media type it wants to get Spring MVC / Spring WebFlux support set up.
2 It overrides getJacksonModule() to provide custom serializers to create the media type specific representations.
3 It also declares a custom LinkDiscoverer implementation for client side support.

The Jackson module usually declares Serializer and Deserializer implementations for the representation model types RepresentationModel, EntityModel, CollectionModel and PagedModel. In case you need further customization of the Jackson ObjectMapper (like a custom HandlerInstantiator), you can alternatively override configureObjectMapper(…).

3.5.2. Recommendations

The preferred way to implement media type representations is by providing a type hierarchy that matches the expected format and can be serialized by Jackson as is. In the Serializer and Deserializer implementations registered for RepresentationModel, convert the instances into the media type specific model types and then lookup the Jackson serializer for those.

The media types supported by default use the same configuration mechanism as third party implementations would. So it’s worth studying the implementations in the mediatype package.

4. Server-side support

Now we have the domain vocabulary in place, but the main challenge remains: how to create the actual URIs to be wrapped into Link instances in a less fragile way. Right now, we would have to duplicate URI strings all over the place. Doing so is brittle and unmaintainable.

Assume you have your Spring MVC controllers implemented as follows:

class PersonController {

  HttpEntity<PersonModel> showAll() { … }

  @GetMapping(value = "/{person}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  HttpEntity<PersonModel> show(@PathVariable Long person) { … }

We see two conventions here. The first is a collection resource that is exposed through @GetMapping annotation of the controller method, with individual elements of that collection exposed as direct sub resources. The collection resource might be exposed at a simple URI (as just shown) or more complex ones (such as /people/{id}/addresses). Suppose you would like to link to the collection resource of all people. Following the approach from up above would cause two problems:

  • To create an absolute URI, you would need to look up the protocol, hostname, port, servlet base, and other values. This is cumbersome and requires ugly manual string concatenation code.

  • You probably do not want to concatenate the /people on top of your base URI, because you would then have to maintain the information in multiple places. If you change the mapping, you then have to change all the clients pointing to it.

Spring HATEOAS now provides a WebMvcLinkBuilder that lets you create links by pointing to controller classes. The following example shows how to do so:

import static org.sfw.hateoas.server.mvc.WebMvcLinkBuilder.*;

Link link = linkTo(PersonController.class).withRel("people");


The WebMvcLinkBuilder uses Spring’s ServletUriComponentsBuilder under the hood to obtain the basic URI information from the current request. Assuming your application runs at localhost:8080/your-app, this is exactly the URI on top of which you are constructing additional parts. The builder now inspects the given controller class for its root mapping and, thus, ends up with localhost:8080/your-app/people. You can also build more nested links as well. The following example shows how to do so:

Person person = new Person(1L, "Dave", "Matthews");
//                 /person                 /     1
Link link = linkTo(PersonController.class).slash(person.getId()).withSelfRel();
assertThat(link.getRel(), is(IanaLinkRelation.SELF.value()));
assertThat(link.getHref(), endsWith("/people/1"));

The builder also allows creating URI instances to build up (for example, response header values):

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

return new ResponseEntity<PersonModel>(headers, HttpStatus.CREATED);
Building Links that Point to Methods

As of version 0.4, you can even build links that point to methods or create dummy controller method invocations. The first approach is to hand a Method instance to the WebMvcLinkBuilder. The following example shows how to do so:

Method method = PersonController.class.getMethod("show", Long.class);
Link link = linkTo(method, 2L).withSelfRel();


This is still a bit dissatisfying, as we have to first get a Method instance, which throws an exception and is generally quite cumbersome. At least we do not repeat the mapping. An even better approach is to have a dummy method invocation of the target method on a controller proxy, which we can create byi using the methodOn(…) helper. The following example shows how to do so:

Link link = linkTo(methodOn(PersonController.class).show(2L)).withSelfRel();


methodOn(…) creates a proxy of the controller class that records the method invocation and exposes it in a proxy created for the return type of the method. This allows the fluent expression of the method for which we want to obtain the mapping. However, there are a few constraints on the methods that can be obtained byusing this technique:

  • The return type has to be capable of proxying, as we need to expose the method invocation on it.

  • The parameters handed into the methods are generally neglected (except the ones referred to through @PathVariable, because they make up the URI).


So far, we have created links by pointing to the web-framework implementations (that is, the Spring MVC controllers) and inspected the mapping. In many cases, these classes essentially read and write representations backed by a model class.

The EntityLinks interface now exposes an API to look up a Link or LinkBuilder based on the model types. The methods essentially return links that point either to the collection resource (such as /people) or to a single resource (such as /people/1). The following example shows how to use EntityLinks:

EntityLinks links = …;
LinkBuilder builder = links.linkFor(Customer.class);
Link link = links.linkToItemResource(Customer.class, 1L);

EntityLinks is available for dependency injection by activating either @EnableHypermediaSupprt or @EnableEntityLinks in your Spring MVC configuration. Activating this functionality causes all the Spring MVC controllers available in the current ApplicationContext to be inspected for the @ExposesResourceFor(…) annotation. The annotation exposes which model type the controller manages. Beyond that, we assume that you follow the URI mapping convention of a class level base mapping and assume that you have controller methods handling an appended /{id}. The following example shows an implementation of an EntityLinks-capable controller:

class OrderController {

  ResponseEntity orders(…) { … }

  ResponseEntity order(@PathVariable("id") … ) { … }

The controller exposes that it manages Order instances and exposes handler methods that are mapped to our convention. When youy enable EntityLinks through @EnableEntityLinks in your Spring MVC configuration, you can create links to the controller, as follows:

class PaymentController {

  private final EntityLinks entityLinks;

  PaymentController(EntityLinks entityLinks) {
    this.entityLinks = entityLinks;

  ResponseEntity payment(@PathVariable Long orderId) {

    Link link = entityLinks.linkToItemResource(Order.class, orderId);

You can then refer to the Order instances without referring to the OrderController.

4.5. Representation model assembler

As the mapping from an entity to a representation model must be used in multiple places, it makes sense to create a dedicated class responsible for doing so. The conversion contains very custom steps but also a few boilerplate steps:

  1. Instantiation of the model class

  2. Adding a link with a rel of self pointing to the resource that gets rendered.

Spring HATEOAS now provides a RepresentationModelAssemblerSupport base class that helps reduce the amount of code you need to write. The following example shows how to use it:

class PersonModelAssembler extends RepresentationModelAssemblerSupport<Person, PersonModel> {

  public PersonModelAssembler() {
    super(PersonController.class, PersonModel.class);

  public PersonModel toModel(Person person) {

    PersonModel resource = createResource(person);
    // … do further mapping
    return resource;

Setting the class up as we did in the preceding example gives you the following benefits:

  • There are a handful of createModelWithId(…) methods that let you create an instance of the resource and have a Link with a rel of self added to it. The href of that link is determined by the configured controller’s request mapping plus the ID of the entity (for example, /people/1).

  • The resource type gets instantiated by reflection and expects a no-arg constructor. If you want to use a dedicated constructor or avoid the reflection performance overhead, you can override instantiateModel(…).

You can then use the assembler to either assemble a RepresentationModel or a CollectionModel. The following example creates a CollectionModel of PersonModel instances:

Person person = new Person(…);
Iterable<Person> people = Collections.singletonList(person);

PersonModelAssembler assembler = new PersonModelAssembler();
PersonModel model = assembler.toModel(person);
CollectionModel<PersonModel> model = assembler.toCollectionModel(people);

4.6. Using the RelProvider API

When building links, you usually need to determine the relation type to be used for the link. In most cases, the relation type is directly associated with a (domain) type. We encapsulate the detailed algorithm to look up the relation types behind a RelProvider API that lets you determine the relation types for single and collection resources. The algorithm for looking up the relation type follows:

  1. If the type is annotated with @Relation, we use the values configured in the annotation.

  2. If not, we default to the uncapitalized simple class name plus an appended List for the collection rel.

  3. If the EVO inflector JAR is in the classpath, we use the plural of the single resource rel provided by the pluralizing algorithm.

  4. @Controller classes annotated with @ExposesResourceFor (see [fundamentals.obtaining-links.entity-links] for details) transparently look up the relation types for the type configured in the annotation, so that you can use relProvider.getItemResourceRelFor(MyController.class) and get the relation type of the domain type exposed.

A RelProvider is automatically exposed as a Spring bean when you use @EnableHypermediaSupport. You can plug in custom providers by implementing the interface and exposing them as Spring beans in turn.

5. Configuration

This section describes how to configure Spring HATEOAS.

5.1. Using @EnableHypermediaSupport

To let the RepresentationModel subtypes be rendered according to the specification of various hypermedia representations types, you can activate support for a particular hypermedia representation format through @EnableHypermediaSupport. The annotation takes a HypermediaType enumeration as its argument. Currently, we support HAL as well as a default rendering. Using the annotation triggers the following:

  • It registers necessary Jackson modules to render EntityModel and CollectionModel in the hypermedia specific format.

  • If JSONPath is on the classpath, it automatically registers a LinkDiscoverer instance to look up links by their rel in plain JSON representations (see Using LinkDiscoverer Instances).

  • By default, it enables @EnableEntityLinks (see [fundamentals.obtaining-links.entity-links]) and automatically picks up EntityLinks implementations and bundles them into a DelegatingEntityLinks instance that you can autowire.

  • It automatically picks up all RelProvider implementations in the ApplicationContext and bundles them into a DelegatingRelProvider that you can autowire. It registers providers to consider @Relation on domain types as well as Spring MVC controllers. If the EVO inflector is on the classpath, collection rel values are derived by using the pluralizing algorithm implemented in the library (see [spis.rel-provider]).

6. Client-side Support

This section describes Spring HATEOAS’s support for clients.

6.1. Traverson

Spring HATEOAS provides an API for client-side service traversal. It is inspired by the Traverson JavaScript library. The following example shows how to use it:

Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("user", 27);

Traverson traverson = new Traverson(new URI("http://localhost:8080/api/"), MediaTypes.HAL_JSON);
String name = traverson.follow("movies", "movie", "actor").

You can set up a Traverson instance by pointing it to a REST server and configuring the media types you want to set as Accept headers. You can then define the relation names you want to discover and follow. Relation names can either be simple names or JSONPath expressions (starting with an $).

The sample then hands a parameter map into the execution. The parameters are used to expand URIs (which are templated) found during the traversal. The traversal is concluded by accessing the representation of the final traversal. In the preceding example, we evaluate a JSONPath expression to access the actor’s name.

The preceding example is the simplest version of traversal, where the rel values are strings and, at each hop, the same template parameters are applied.

There are more options to customize template parameters at each level. The following example shows these options.

ParameterizedTypeReference<EntityModel<Item>> resourceParameterizedTypeReference = new ParameterizedTypeReference<EntityModel<Item>>() {};

EntityModel<Item> itemResource = traverson.//
		follow(rel("items").withParameter("projection", "noImages")).//

The static rel(…​) function is a convenient way to define a single Hop. Using .withParameter(key, value) makes it simple to specify URI template variables.

.withParameter() returns a new Hop object that is chainable. You can string together as many .withParameter as you like. The result is a single Hop definition. The following example shows one way to do so:
ParameterizedTypeReference<EntityModel<Item>> resourceParameterizedTypeReference = new ParameterizedTypeReference<EntityModel<Item>>() {};

Map<String, Object> params = Collections.singletonMap("projection", "noImages");

EntityModel<Item> itemResource = traverson.//

You can also load an entire Map of parameters by using .withParameters(Map).

follow() is chainable, meaning you can string together multiple hops, as shown in the preceding examples. You can either put multiple string-based rel values (follow("items", "item")) or a single hop with specific parameters.

6.1.1. EntityModel<T> vs. CollectionModel<T>

The examples shown so far demonstrate how to sidestep Java’s type erasure and convert a single JSON-formatted resource into a EntityModel<Item> object. However, what if you get a collection like an \_embedded HAL collection? You can do so with only one slight tweak, as the following example shows:

CollectionModelType<Item> collectionModelType =
        TypeReferences.CollectionModelType<Item>() {};

CollectionModel<Item> itemResource = traverson.//

Instead of fetching a single resource, this one deserializes a collection into CollectionModel.

When working with hypermedia enabled representations, a common task is to find a link with a particular relation type in it. Spring HATEOAS provides JSONPath-based implementations of the LinkDiscoverer interface for either the default representation rendering or HAL out of the box. When using @EnableHypermediaSupport, we automatically expose an instance supporting the configured hypermedia type as a Spring bean.

Alternatively, you can setup and use an instance as follows:

String content = "{'_links' :  { 'foo' : { 'href' : '/foo/bar' }}}";
LinkDiscoverer discoverer = new HalLinkDiscoverer();
Link link = discoverer.findLinkWithRel("foo", content);

assertThat(link.getRel(), is("foo"));
assertThat(link.getHref(), is("/foo/bar"));