Spring Integration Reference Manual

Mark Fisher

Marius Bogoevici

Spring Integration

1.0.0.M4 (Milestone 4)

© SpringSource Inc., 2008

Table of Contents

1. Spring Integration Overview
1.1. Background
1.2. Goals and Principles
1.3. Main Components
Message Source
Message Target
Message Handler
Message Channel
Message Endpoint
Message Router
Message Bus
2. The Core API
2.1. Message
2.2. Source
2.3. Target
2.4. MessageChannel
2.5. ChannelInterceptor
2.6. MessageHandler
2.7. MessageBus
2.8. MessageEndpoint
2.9. MessageSelector
2.10. RequestReplyTemplate
2.11. MessagingGateway
3. Adapters
3.1. Introduction
3.2. JMS Adapters
3.3. RMI Adapters
3.4. HttpInvoker Adapters
3.5. File Adapters
3.6. FTP Adapters
3.7. Mail Adapters
3.8. Web Service Adapters
3.9. Stream Adapters
3.10. ApplicationEvent Adapters
4. Configuration
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Namespace Support
Configuring Message Channels
Configuring Message Endpoints
Configuring the Message Bus
Configuring Adapters
Enabling Annotation-Driven Configuration
4.3. Annotations
5. Spring Integration Samples
5.1. The Cafe Sample
6. Additional Resources
6.1. Spring Integration Home