3.4 HttpInvoker Adapters

The adapters for HttpInvoker are very similar to the RMI adapters. For a source, only the channel needs to be provided, and for a target, only the URL. If running in a Spring MVC environment, then the HttpInvokerGateway simply needs to be defined and provided in a HandlerMapping. For example, the following would be exposed at the path "http://somehost/path-mapped-to-dispatcher-servlet/httpInvokerAdapter" when a simple BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping strategy is enabled:

<bean name="/httpInvokerAdapter"
    <constructor-arg ref="someChannel"/>

When not running in a Spring MVC application, simply define a servlet in 'web.xml' whose type is HttpRequestHandlerServlet and whose name matches the bean name of the gateway adapter. As with the RmiHandler, the HttpInvokerHandler only requires the URL that matches an instance of HttpInvokerGateway running in a web application.