11.2 Functionality

The Aggregator combines a group of related messages, by storing and grouping them, until the group is deemed complete. At that point, the Aggregator will create a single message by processing the whole group, and will send the result message further.

As messages might arrive with a certain delay (or certain messages from the group might not arrive at all), the Aggregator can specify a timeout (counted from the moment when the first message in the group has arrived), and whether, in the case of a timeout, the group should be discarded, or the Aggregator should merely attempt to create a single message out of what has arrived so far. An important aspect of implementing an Aggregator is providing the logic that has to be executed when the aggregation (creation of a single message out of many) takes place.

In Spring Integration, the grouping of the messages for Aggregation is done based on their CORRELATION_ID message header (i.e. the messages with the same CORRELATION_ID will be grouped together).

An important concern with respect to the timeout is, what happens if late messages arrive after the aggregation has taken place? In this case, a configuration option allows the user to decide whether they should be discarded or not.