22.2 Reading from streams

Spring Integration provides two adapters for streams. Both ByteStreamReadingMessageSource and CharacterStreamReadingMessageSource implement MessageSource. By configuring one of these within a channel-adapter element, the polling period can be configured, and the Message Bus can automatically detect and schedule them. The byte stream version requires an InputStream, and the character stream version requires a Reader as the single constructor argument. The ByteStreamReadingMessageSource also accepts the 'bytesPerMessage' property to determine how many bytes it will attempt to read into each Message. The default value is 1024

<bean class="org.springframework.integration.stream.ByteStreamReadingMessageSource">
	<constructor-arg ref="someInputStream"/>
	<property name="bytesPerMessage" value="2048"/>

<bean class="org.springframework.integration.stream.CharacterStreamReadingMessageSource">
	<constructor-arg ref="someReader"/>