A.2 The xml messaging sample

The xml messaging sample in org.springframework.integration.samples.xml illustrates how to use some of the provided components which deal with xml payloads. The sample uses the idea of processing an order for books represented as xml.

First the order is split into a number of messages, each one representing a single order item using the XPath splitter component.

<si-xml:xpath-splitter id="orderItemSplitter" input-channel="ordersChannel" 
            output-channel="stockCheckerChannel" create-documents="true">
    <si-xml:xpath-expression expression="/orderNs:order/orderNs:orderItem" namespace-map="orderNamespaceMap" />

A service activator is then used to pass the message into a stock checker POJO. The order item document is enriched with information from the stock checker about order item stock level. This enriched order item message is then used to route the message. In the case where the order item is in stock the message is routed to the warehouse. The XPath router makes use of a MapBasedChannelResolver which maps the XPath evaluation result to a channel reference.

<si-xml:xpath-router id="instockRouter" channel-resolver="mapChannelResolver" 
        input-channel="orderRoutingChannel" resolution-required="true">
    <si-xml:xpath-expression expression="/orderNs:orderItem/@in-stock" namespace-map="orderNamespaceMap"  />
<bean id="mapChannelResolver"
    <property name="channelMap">
            <entry key="true" value-ref="warehouseDispatchChannel" />
            <entry key="false" value-ref="outOfStockChannel" />

Where the order item is not in stock the message is transformed using xslt into a format suitable for sending to the supplier.

<si-xml:xslt-transformer input-channel="outOfStockChannel" output-channel="resupplyOrderChannel" 