A.3 The OSGi Samples

This release of Spring Integration includes several samples that are OSGi enabled as well as samples that were specifically designed to show some of the other benefits of OSGi and Spring Integration when used together. First lets look at the two familiar examples that are also configured to be valid OSGi bundles. These are Hello World and Cafe. All you need to do to see these samples work in an OSGi environment is deploy the generated JAR into such an environment.

Use Maven to generate the JAR by executing the 'mvn install' command on either of these projects. This will generate the JAR file in the target directory. Now you can simply drop that JAR file into the deployment directory of your OSGi platform. For example, if you are using SpringSource dm Server, drop the files into the 'pickup' directory within the dm Server home directory.

Prior to deploying and testing Spring Integration samples in the dm Server or any other OSGi server platform, you must have the Spring Integration and Spring bundles installed on that platform. For example, to install Spring Integration into SpringSource dm Server, copy all JAR files that are located in the 'dist' directory of your Spring Integration distribution into the 'repository/bundles/usr' directory of your dm Server instance (see the dm Server User Guide for more detail on how to install bundles).

The Spring Integration samples require a few other bundles to be installed. For the 1.0.3 release, the full list including transitive dependencies is:

These are all located within the 'lib' directory of the Spring Integration distribution. So, you can simply copy those JARs into the dm Server 'repository/bundles/usr' directory as well.

The Spring Framework bundles (aop, beans, context, etc.) are also included in the 'lib' directory of the Spring Integration distribution, but they do not need to be installed since they are already part of the dm Server infrastructure. Also, note that the versions listed above are those included with the Spring Integration 1.0.3 release. Newer versions of individual JARs may be used as long as they are within the range specified in the MANIFEST.MF files of those bundles that depend upon them.

The bundles listed above are appropriate for a SpringSource dm Server 1.0.x deployment environment with a Spring Framework 2.5.x foundation. That is the version against which Spring Integration 1.0.3 has been developed and tested. However, as of the time of the Spring Integration 1.0.3 release, the Spring Framework 3.0 release candidates are about to be available, and the dm Server 2.0.x milestones are available. If you want to try running these samples in that environment, then you will need to replace the Spring Security and Spring Web Services bundles with versions that support Spring 3.0. The OXM functionality is moving into the Spring Framework itself for the 3.0 release. Otherwise, Spring Integration 1.0.3 has been superficially tested against the Spring 3.0 snapshots available at the time of its release. In fact, some internal changes were made in the 1.0.3 release specifically to support Spring 3.0 (whereas 1.0.2 does not). Spring Integration 2.0 will be built upon a Spring 3.0 foundation.

To demonstrate some of the benefits of running Spring Integration projects in an OSGi environment (e.g. modularity, OSGi service dynamics, etc.), we have included a couple new samples that are dedicated to highlighting those benefits. In the 'samples' directory, you will find the following two projects:

Unlike the other samples in the distribution, these are not Maven enabled. Instead, we have simply configured them as valid dm Server Bundle projects. That means you can import these projects directly into an STS workspace using the "Existing Projects into Workspace" option from the Eclipse Import wizard. Then, you can take advantage of the STS dm Server tools to deploy them into a SpringSource dm Server instance.

A simple Ant 'build.xml' file has been included within each of these projects as well. The build files contain a single 'jar' target. Therefore, after these projects have been built within Eclipse/STS, you can generate the bundle (JAR) directly and deploy it manually.

The structure of these projects is very simple, yet the concepts they showcase are quite powerful. The 'osgi-inbound' module enables sending a Message to a Publish-Subscribe Channel using a Spring Integration Gateway proxy. The interesting part, however, is that the Publish-Subscribe Channel is exported as an OSGi service via the <osgi:service/> element. As a result, any other bundles can be developed, deployed, and maintained independently yet still subscribe to that channel.

The 'osgi-outbound' module is an example of such a subscribing consumer bundle. It uses the corresponding <osgi:reference/> element to locate the channel exported by the 'osgi-inbound' bundle. It also contains configuration for a <file:outbound-gateway/> which is a subscriber to that channel and will write the Message content to a file once it arrives. It then sends a response Message with the name of the file and its location.

To make it easy to run, we've exposed a command-line interface where you can type in the command, the message, and the file name to execute the demo. This is exposed through the OSGi console. Likewise, the response that provides the name and location of the resulting file will also be visible within the OSGi console.

To run these samples, make sure your OSGi environment is properly configured to host Spring Integration bundles (as described in the note above). Deploy the producer bundle (osgi-inbound) first, and then deploy the consumer bundle (osgi-outbound). After you have deployed these bundles, open the OSGi console and type the following command:

 osgi> help 

You will see the following amidst the output:

 ---Spring Integration CLI-based OSGi Demo---
         siSend <message> <filename> - send text to be written to a file

As you can see, that describes the command that you will be able to use to send messages. If you are interested in how it is implemented or want to customize message sending logic or even create a new command look at InboundDemoBundleActivator.java in the consumer bundle.

By default, when using dm Server, you can open the OSGi console by connecting to port 2401 via telnet:
 telnet localhost 2401

Now send a message by typing:

 osgi> siSend "Hello World" hello.txt

You will see something similar to the following in the OSGi console:

 Sending message: 'Hello World'
 Message sent and its contents were written to:   

It is not necessary to wrap the message in quotes if it does not contain spaces. Go ahead and open up the file and verify that the message content was written to it.

Let's assume you wanted to change the directory to which the files are written or make any other change to the consumer bundle (osgi-outboud). You only need to update the consumer bundle and not the producer bundle. So, go ahead and change the directory in the 'osgi-outbound.xml' file located within 'src/META-INF/spring' and refresh the consumer bundle.

If using STS to deploy to dm Server, the refresh will happen automatically. If replacing bundles manually, you can issue the command 'refresh n' in the OSGi console (where n would be the ID of the bundle as displayed at any point after issuing the 'ss' command to see the short status output).

You will see that the change takes affect immediately. Not only that, you could even start developing and deploying new bundles that subscribe to the messages produced by the producer bundle the same way as the existing consumer bundle (osgi-outbound) does. With a publish-subscribe-channel any newly deployed bundles would start receiving each Message as well.

If you also want to modify and refresh the producer bundle, be sure to refresh the consumer bundle afterwards as well. This is necessary because the consumer's subscription must be explicitly re-enabled after the producer's channel disappears. You could alternatively deploy a relatively static bundle that defines channels so that producers and consumers can be completely dynamic without affecting each other at all. In Spring Integration 2.0, we plan to support automatic re-subscription and more through the use of a Control Bus.

That pretty much wraps up this very simple example. Hopefully it has successfully demonstrated the benefits of modularity and OSGi service dynamics while working with Spring Integration. Feel free to experiment by following some of the suggestions mentioned above. For deeper coverage of the applicability of OSGi when used with Spring Integration, read this blog by Spring Integration team member Iwein Fuld.