Appendix D. Security in Spring Integration

D.1 Introduction

Spring Integration builds upon the Spring Security project to enable role based security checks to be applied to channel send and receive invocations.

D.2 Securing channels

Spring Integration provides the interceptor ChannelSecurityInterceptor, which extends AbstractSecurityInterceptor and intercepts send and receive calls on the channel. Access decisions are then made with reference to a ChannelSecurityMetadataSource which provides the metadata describing the send and receive access policies for certain channels. The interceptor requires that a valid SecurityContext has been established by authenticating with Spring Security. See the Spring Security reference documentation for details.

Namespace support is provided to allow easy configuration of security constraints. This consists of the secured channels tag which allows definition of one or more channel name patterns in conjunction with a definition of the security configuration for send and receive. The pattern is a java.util.regexp.Pattern.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns:int=""

    <int-security:access-policy pattern="admin.*" send-access="ROLE_ADMIN"/>
    <int-security:access-policy pattern="user.*" receive-access="ROLE_USER"/>

By default the secured-channels namespace element expects a bean named authenticationManager which implements AuthenticationManager and a bean named accessDecisionManager which implements AccessDecisionManager. Where this is not the case references to the appropriate beans can be configured as attributes of the secured-channels element as below.

<int-security:secured-channels access-decision-manager="customAccessDecisionManager"
    <int-security:access-policy pattern="admin.*" send-access="ROLE_ADMIN"/>
    <int-security:access-policy pattern="user.*" receive-access="ROLE_USER"/>

Starting with version 4.0, the same configuration is available when using @Configuration classes, by declaring a ChannelSecurityInterceptorFactoryBean. This class delegates all options for the ChannelSecurityInterceptor with a builder pattern:

public class ContextConfiguration {

	private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;

	private AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager;

	public ChannelSecurityInterceptorFactoryBean channelSecurityInterceptor() {
		return new ChannelSecurityInterceptorFactoryBean()
				.accessPolicy("admin.*", "ROLE_ADMIN")
				.accessPolicy("user.*", null, "ROLE_USER");
The @EnableIntegration annotation is required to provide the Spring Integration infrastructure (including Security) to the Application Context. In addition this FactoryBean falls back to AuthenticationManager and AccessDecisionManager beans with names authenticationManager and accessDecisionManager respectively, if they aren't provided in the ChannelSecurityInterceptorFactoryBean bean definition.