Appendix F. Testing support

Spring Integration provides a number of utilities and annotations to help when testing your application. Test support is presented by two modules: spring-integration-test-support which contains core items and shared utilities, and spring-integration-test which provides mocking and application context configuration components for integration tests.

spring-integration-test-support (spring-integration-test in versions before 5.0) provides basic, standalone utilities, rules and matchers for unit testing (it also has no dependencies on Spring Integration itself, and is used internally in Framework tests). spring-integration-test is aimed to help with integration testing and provides a comprehensive high level API to mock integration components and verify behavior of individual components, including whole integration flows or just parts thereof. A thorough treatment of testing in the enterprise is beyond the scope of this reference manual. See the Test-Driven Development in Enterprise Integration Projects paper, by Gregor Hohpe and Wendy Istvanick, for a source of ideas and principles for testing your target integration solution.

F.1 Introduction

The Spring Integration Test Framework and test utilities are fully based on existing JUnit, Hamcrest and Mockito libraries. The Application Context interaction is based on the Spring Test Framework. Please, refer to the documentation for those projects for further information.

Thanks to the canonical implementation of the EIP in Spring Integration Framework and its first class citizens like MessageChannel, Endpoint and MessageHandler abstractions and supported out-of-the-box loose coupling principles, we can implement integration solutions of any complexity. With the Spring Integration API for the flow definitions, we can improve, modify or even replace some part of the flow without impacting (mostly) other components in the integration solution. Testing such an integration solution is still a challenge, from an end-to-end perspective, as well as with an in-isolation approach. There are several existing tools which help to test or mock some integration protocols and they work very well with Spring Integration Channel Adapters; examples include:

  • Spring MockMVC and its MockRestServiceServer for HTTP;
  • Some RDBMS vendors provide embedded data bases for JDBC or JPA support;
  • ActiveMQ can be embedded for testing JMS or STOMP protocols;
  • There are tools for embedded MongoDB and Redis;
  • Tomcat and Jetty have embedded libraries to test real HTTP, Web Services or WebSockets;
  • The FtpServer and SshServer from the Apache Mina project can be used for testing (S)FTP protocols;
  • Gemfire and Hazelcast can be run as real data grid nodes in the tests;
  • The Curator Framework provides a TestingServer for Zookeeper interaction;
  • Apache Kafka provides admin tools to embed a Kafka Broker in the tests.

Most of these tools and libraries are used in Spring Integration tests and from the GitHub repository, in the test directory of each module, you can discover ideas how to build your own tests for integration solutions.

The rest of this chapter describes the testing tools and utilities provided by the Spring Integration Framework.

F.2 Testing Utilities

The spring-integration-test-support module provides utilities and helpers for unit testing.

F.2.1 TestUtils

The TestUtils class is mostly used for properties assertions in JUnit tests:

public void loadBalancerRef() {
    MessageChannel channel = channels.get("lbRefChannel");
    LoadBalancingStrategy lbStrategy = TestUtils.getPropertyValue(channel,
                 "dispatcher.loadBalancingStrategy", LoadBalancingStrategy.class);
    assertTrue(lbStrategy instanceof SampleLoadBalancingStrategy);

TestUtils.getPropertyValue() is based on Spring’s DirectFieldAccessor and provides the ability to get a value from the target private property. As you see by the example above it also supports nested properties access, using dotted notation.

The createTestApplicationContext() factory method produce a TestApplicationContext instance with the supplied Spring Integration environment.

See the JavaDocs of other TestUtils methods for more information about this class.

F.2.2 SocketUtils

The SocketUtils provides several methods to select a random port(s) for exposing server-side components without conflicts:

<bean id="socketUtils" class="org.springframework.integration.test.util.SocketUtils" />

<int-syslog:inbound-channel-adapter id="syslog"
            port="#{socketUtils.findAvailableUdpSocket(1514)}" />

<int:channel id="sysLogs">

Which is used from the unit test as:

@Autowired @Qualifier("syslog.adapter")
private UdpSyslogReceivingChannelAdapter adapter;

private PollableChannel sysLogs;
public void testSimplestUdp() throws Exception {
    int port = TestUtils.getPropertyValue(adapter1, "udpAdapter.port", Integer.class);
    byte[] buf = "<157>JUL 26 22:08:35 WEBERN TESTING[70729]: TEST SYSLOG MESSAGE".getBytes("UTF-8");
    DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length,
                              new InetSocketAddress("localhost", port));
    DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
    Message<?> message = foo.receive(10000);

This tecnique is not foolproof; some other process could be allocated the "free" port before your test opens it. It is generally more preferable to use a server port 0 and let the operating system select the port for you, then discover the selected port in your test. We have converted most framework tests to use this preferred technique.

F.2.3 OnlyOnceTrigger

The OnlyOnceTrigger is useful for polling endpoints when it is good to produce only one test message and verify the behavior without impacting of unexpected other period messages:

<bean id="testTrigger" class="org.springframework.integration.test.util.OnlyOnceTrigger" />

<int:poller id="jpaPoller" trigger="testTrigger">
    <int:transactional transaction-manager="transactionManager" />
PollerMetadata poller;

OnlyOnceTrigger testTrigger;
public void testWithEntityClass() throws Exception {
    JpaPollingChannelAdapter jpaPollingChannelAdapter = new JpaPollingChannelAdapter(jpaExecutor);

    SourcePollingChannelAdapter adapter = JpaTestUtils.getSourcePollingChannelAdapter(
    		jpaPollingChannelAdapter, this.outputChannel, this.poller, this.context,

F.2.4 Support Components

The package contains various abstract classes which should be implemented in target tests. See their JavaDocs for more information.

F.2.5 Hamcrest and Mockito Matchers

The org.springframework.integration.test.matcher package contains several Matcher implementations to assert Message and its properties in unit tests:

import static org.springframework.integration.test.matcher.PayloadMatcher.hasPayload;
public void transform_withFilePayload_convertedToByteArray() throws Exception {
    Message<?> result = this.transformer.transform(message);
    assertThat(result, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(result, hasPayload(is(instanceOf(byte[].class))));
    assertThat(result, hasPayload(SAMPLE_CONTENT.getBytes(DEFAULT_ENCODING)));

The MockitoMessageMatchers factory can be used for mocks stubbing and verifications:

static final Date SOME_PAYLOAD = new Date();

static final String SOME_HEADER_VALUE = "bar";

static final String SOME_HEADER_KEY = "";
Message<?> message = MessageBuilder.withPayload(SOME_PAYLOAD)
                .setHeader(SOME_HEADER_KEY, SOME_HEADER_VALUE)
MessageHandler handler = mock(MessageHandler.class);
MessageChannel channel = mock(MessageChannel.class);
when(channel.send(messageWithHeaderEntry(SOME_HEADER_KEY, is(instanceOf(Short.class)))))
assertThat(channel.send(message), is(false));

Additional utilities will eventually be added or migrated. For example RemoteFileTestSupport implementations for the (S)FTP tests can be moved from the test directory of those particular modules to this spring-integration-test-support artifact.

F.3 Spring Integration and test context

Typically, tests for Spring applications use the Spring Test Framework and since Spring Integration is based on the Spring Framework foundation, everything we can do with the Spring Test Framework is applied as well when testing integration flows. The org.springframework.integration.test.context package provides some components for enhancing the test context for integration needs. First of all we configure our test class with a @SpringIntegrationTest annotation to enable the Spring Integration Test Framework:

@SpringIntegrationTest(noAutoStartup = {"inboundChannelAdapter", "*Source*"})
public class MyIntegrationTests {

    private MockIntegrationContext mockIntegrationContext;


The @SpringIntegrationTest annotation populates a MockIntegrationContext bean which can be autowired to the test class to access its methods. With the provided noAutoStartup option, the Spring Integration Test Framework prevents endpoints that are normally autoStartup=true from starting. The endpoints are matched to the provided patterns, which support the following simple pattern styles: xxx*, *xxx, *xxx* and xxx*yyy.

This is useful, when we would like to not have real connections to the target systems from Inbound Channel Adapters, for example an AMQP Inbound Gateway, JDBC Polling Channel Adapter, WebSocket Message Producer in client mode etc.

The MockIntegrationContext is aimed to be used in the target test-cases for modifications to beans in the real application context, for example those endpoints that have autoStartup overridden to false can be replaced with mocks:

public void testMockMessageSource() {
    MessageSource<String> messageSource = () -> new GenericMessage<>("foo");

    this.mockIntegrationContext.instead("mySourceEndpoint", messageSource);

    Message<?> receive = this.results.receive(10_000);

See their JavaDocs for more information.

F.4 Integration Mocks

The org.springframework.integration.test.mock package offers tools and utilities for mocking, stubbing and verification of activity on Spring Integration components. The mocking functionality is fully based and compatible with the well known Mockito Framework. (The current Mockito transitive dependency is of version 2.5.x.)

F.4.1 MockIntegration

The MockIntegration factory provides an API to build mocks for Spring Integration beans which are parts of the integration flow - MessageSource, MessageProducer, MessageHandler, MessageChannel. The target mocks can be used during configuration phase:

<int:inbound-channel-adapter id="inboundChannelAdapter" channel="results">
    <bean class="org.springframework.integration.test.mock.MockIntegration" factory-method="mockMessageSource">
        <constructor-arg value="a"/>
@InboundChannelAdapter(channel = "results")
public MessageSource<Integer> testingMessageSource() {
    return MockIntegration.mockMessageSource(1, 2, 3);
StandardIntegrationFlow flow = IntegrationFlows
        .from(MockIntegration.mockMessageSource("foo", "bar", "baz"))
        .<String, String>transform(String::toUpperCase)
IntegrationFlowRegistration registration = this.integrationFlowContext.registration(flow)

as well as in the target test method to replace the real endpoints before performing verifications and assertions. For this purpose, the aforementioned MockIntegrationContext should be used from the test:

        MockIntegration.mockMessageSource("foo", "bar", "baz"));
Message<?> receive = this.results.receive(10_000);
assertEquals("FOO", receive.getPayload());

F.5 Other Resources

As well as exploring the test cases in the framework itself, the spring-integration-samples repository has some sample apps specifically around testing, such as testing-examples and advanced-testing-examples. In some cases, the samples themselves have comprehensive end-to-end tests, such as the file-split-ftp sample.