For those who are already familiar with Spring Integration, this chapter provides a brief overview of the new features of version 5.5.

If you are interested in the changes and features that were introduced in earlier versions, see the Change History.

What’s New in Spring Integration 5.5?

If you are interested in more details, see the Issue Tracker tickets that were resolved as part of the 5.5 development process.

New Components

General Changes

All the persistent MessageGroupStore implementation provide a streamMessagesForGroup(Object groupId) contract based on the target database streaming API. See Message Store for more information.

The integrationGlobalProperties bean (if declared) must be now an instance of org.springframework.integration.context.IntegrationProperties instead of java.util.Properties, which support is deprecated for backward compatibility. The spring.integration.channels.error.requireSubscribers=true global property is added to indicate that the global default errorChannel must be configured with the requireSubscribers option (or not). The spring.integration.channels.error.ignoreFailures=true global property is added to indicate that the global default errorChannel must ignore (or not) dispatching errors and pass the message to the next handler. See Global Properties for more information.

An AbstractPollingEndpoint (source polling channel adapter and polling consumer) treats maxMessagesPerPoll == 0 as to skip calling the source. It can be changed to different value later on, e.g. via a Control Bus. See Polling Consumer for more information.

AMQP Changes

The AmqpInboundChannelAdapter and AmqpInboundGateway (and the respective Java DSL builders) now support an org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retry.MessageRecoverer as an AMQP-specific alternative to the general purpose RecoveryCallback. See AMQP Support for more information.

Redis Changes

The ReactiveRedisStreamMessageProducer has now setters for all the StreamReceiver.StreamReceiverOptionsBuilder options, including an onErrorResume function. See Redis Support for more information.

HTTP Changes

The HttpRequestExecutingMessageHandler doesn’t fallback to the application/x-java-serialized-object content type any more and lets the RestTemplate make the final decision for the request body conversion based on the HttpMessageConverter provided.

See HTTP Support for more information.

File/FTP/SFTP Changes

The persistent file list filters now have a boolean property forRecursion. Setting this property to true, also sets alwaysAcceptDirectories, which means that the recursive operation on the outbound gateways (ls and mget) will now always traverse the full directory tree each time. This is to solve a problem where changes deep in the directory tree were not detected. In addition, forRecursion=true causes the full path to files to be used as the metadata store keys; this solves a problem where the filter did not work properly if a file with the same name appears multiple times in different directories. IMPORTANT: This means that existing keys in a persistent metadata store will not be found for files beneath the top level directory. For this reason, the property is false by default; this may change in a future release.

The FileInboundChannelAdapterSpec has now a convenient recursive(boolean) option instead of requiring an explicit reference to the RecursiveDirectoryScanner.

MongoDb Changes

The MongoDbMessageSourceSpec was added into MongoDd Java DSL. An update option is now exposed on both the MongoDbMessageSource and ReactiveMongoDbMessageSource implementations.

See MongoDb Support for more information.