Annotation Type EndpointId

public @interface EndpointId
When used alongside an EIP annotation (and no @Bean), specifies the bean name of the consumer bean with the handler bean being id.handler (for a consuming endpoint) or id.source for a message source (e.g. inbound channel adapter).

When there is also a @Bean annotation, this is the name of the consumer or source polling bean (the handler or source gets the normal @Bean name). When using on a MessageHandler @Bean, it is recommended to name the bean foo.handler when using @EndpointId("foo". This will align with conventions in the framework. Similarly, for a message source, use @Bean("bar.source" and @EndpointId("bar").

This is not allowed if there are multiple EIP annotations on the same method.

Gary Russell
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements 
    Modifier and Type Required Element Description
    String value