Hazelcast Support

Spring Integration provides channel adapters and other utility components to interact with an in-memory data grid Hazelcast.

You need to include this dependency into your project:

compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-hazelcast:6.0.3"

The XML namespace and schemaLocation definitions for Hazelcast components are:


Hazelcast Event-driven Inbound Channel Adapter

Hazelcast provides distributed data structures such as:

  • com.hazelcast.map.IMap

  • com.hazelcast.multimap.MultiMap

  • com.hazelcast.collection.IList

  • com.hazelcast.collection.ISet

  • com.hazelcast.collection.IQueue

  • com.hazelcast.topic.ITopic

  • com.hazelcast.replicatedmap.ReplicatedMap

It also provides event listeners in order to listen to modifications made to these data structures.

  • com.hazelcast.core.EntryListener<K, V>

  • com.hazelcast.collection.ItemListener

  • com.hazelcast.topic.MessageListener

The Hazelcast Event-Driven Inbound Channel Adapter listens to related cache events and sends event messages to the defined channel. It supports both XML and JavaConfig driven configurations.

XML Configuration :

<int-hazelcast:inbound-channel-adapter channel="mapChannel"
                      cache-events="UPDATED, REMOVED"
                      cache-listening-policy="SINGLE" />

The Hazelcast Event-Driven Inbound Channel Adapter requires the following attributes:

  • channel: Specifies the channel to which messages are sent;

  • cache: Specifies the distributed Object reference which is listened to. It is a mandatory attribute;

  • cache-events: Specifies cache events which are listened for. It is an optional attribute and its default value is ADDED. Its supported values are as follows :

  • Supported cache event types for IMap and MultiMap: ADDED, REMOVED, UPDATED, EVICTED, EVICT_ALL and CLEAR_ALL;

  • Supported cache event types for ReplicatedMap: ADDED, REMOVED, UPDATED, EVICTED;

  • Supported cache event types for IList, ISet and IQueue: ADDED, REMOVED. There are no cache event types for ITopic.

  • cache-listening-policy: Specifies the cache listening policy as SINGLE or ALL. It is an optional attribute and its default value is SINGLE. Each Hazelcast inbound channel adapter listening to the same cache object with the same cache-events attribute, can receive a single event message or all event messages. If it is ALL, all Hazelcast inbound channel adapters listening to the same cache object with the same cache-events attribute, will receive all event messages. If it is SINGLE, they will receive unique event messages.

Some configuration samples:

Distributed Map
<int:channel id="mapChannel"/>

<int-hazelcast:inbound-channel-adapter channel="mapChannel"
                              cache-events="UPDATED, REMOVED" />

<bean id="map" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getMap">
    <constructor-arg value="map"/>

<bean id="instance" class="com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast"
        <bean class="com.hazelcast.config.Config" />
Distributed MultiMap
<int-hazelcast:inbound-channel-adapter channel="multiMapChannel"
                              cache-events="ADDED, REMOVED, CLEAR_ALL" />

<bean id="multiMap" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getMultiMap">
    <constructor-arg value="multiMap"/>
Distributed List
<int-hazelcast:inbound-channel-adapter  channel="listChannel"
                               cache-events="ADDED, REMOVED"
                               cache-listening-policy="ALL" />

<bean id="list" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getList">
    <constructor-arg value="list"/>
Distributed Set
<int-hazelcast:inbound-channel-adapter channel="setChannel" cache="set" />

<bean id="set" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getSet">
    <constructor-arg value="set"/>
Distributed Queue
<int-hazelcast:inbound-channel-adapter  channel="queueChannel"
                               cache-listening-policy="ALL" />

<bean id="queue" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getQueue">
    <constructor-arg value="queue"/>
Distributed Topic
<int-hazelcast:inbound-channel-adapter channel="topicChannel" cache="topic" />

<bean id="topic" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getTopic">
    <constructor-arg value="topic"/>
Replicated Map
<int-hazelcast:inbound-channel-adapter channel="replicatedMapChannel"
                              cache-events="ADDED, UPDATED, REMOVED"
                              cache-listening-policy="SINGLE"  />

<bean id="replicatedMap" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getReplicatedMap">
    <constructor-arg value="replicatedMap"/>

Java Configuration Sample:

The following sample shows a DistributedMap configuration. The same configuration can be used for other distributed data structures(IMap, MultiMap, ReplicatedMap, IList, ISet, IQueue and ITopic):

public PollableChannel distributedMapChannel() {
    return new QueueChannel();

public IMap<Integer, String> distributedMap() {
    return hazelcastInstance().getMap("Distributed_Map");

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

public HazelcastEventDrivenMessageProducer hazelcastEventDrivenMessageProducer() {
    final HazelcastEventDrivenMessageProducer producer = new HazelcastEventDrivenMessageProducer(distributedMap());

    return producer;

Hazelcast Continuous Query Inbound Channel Adapter

Hazelcast Continuous Query enables listening to modifications performed on specific map entries. The Hazelcast Continuous Query Inbound Channel Adapter is an event-driven channel adapter which listens to the related distributed map events in the light of the defined predicate.

public PollableChannel cqDistributedMapChannel() {
    return new QueueChannel();

public IMap<Integer, String> cqDistributedMap() {
    return hazelcastInstance().getMap("CQ_Distributed_Map");

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

public HazelcastContinuousQueryMessageProducer hazelcastContinuousQueryMessageProducer() {
    final HazelcastContinuousQueryMessageProducer producer =
        new HazelcastContinuousQueryMessageProducer(cqDistributedMap(), "surname=TestSurname");

    return producer;
<int:channel id="cqMapChannel"/>

                cache-events="UPDATED, REMOVED"
                predicate="name=TestName AND surname=TestSurname"

<bean id="cqMap" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getMap">
    <constructor-arg value="cqMap"/>

<bean id="instance" class="com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast"
        <bean class="com.hazelcast.config.Config" />

It supports six attributes as follows:

  • channel: Specifies the channel to which messages are sent;

  • cache: Specifies the distributed Map reference which is listened to. Mandatory;

  • cache-events: Specifies cache events which are listened for. Optional attribute with ADDED being its default value. Supported values are ADDED, REMOVED, UPDATED, EVICTED, EVICT_ALL and CLEAR_ALL;

  • predicate: Specifies a predicate to listen to the modifications performed on specific map entries. Mandatory;

  • include-value: Specifies including the value and oldValue in a continuous query result. Optional with true being the default;

  • cache-listening-policy: Specifies the cache listening policy as SINGLE or ALL. Optional with the default value being SINGLE. Each Hazelcast CQ inbound channel adapter listening to the same cache object with the same cache-events attribute, can receive a single event message or all event messages. If it is ALL, all Hazelcast CQ inbound channel adapters listening to the same cache object with the same cache-events attribute, will receive all event messages. If it is SINGLE, they will receive unique event messages.

Hazelcast Cluster Monitor Inbound Channel Adapter

A Hazelcast Cluster Monitor supports listening to modifications performed on the cluster. The Hazelcast Cluster Monitor Inbound Channel Adapter is an event-driven channel adapter and listens to related Membership, Distributed Object, Migration, Lifecycle and Client events:

public PollableChannel eventChannel() {
    return new QueueChannel();

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

public HazelcastClusterMonitorMessageProducer hazelcastClusterMonitorMessageProducer() {
    HazelcastClusterMonitorMessageProducer producer = new HazelcastClusterMonitorMessageProducer(hazelcastInstance());

    return producer;
<int:channel id="monitorChannel"/>

                 monitor-types="MEMBERSHIP, DISTRIBUTED_OBJECT" />

<bean id="instance" class="com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast"
        <bean class="com.hazelcast.config.Config" />

It supports three attributes as follows :

  • channel: Specifies the channel to which messages are sent;

  • hazelcast-instance: Specifies the Hazelcast Instance reference to listen for cluster events. It is a mandatory attribute;

  • monitor-types: Specifies the monitor types which are listened for. It is an optional attribute with MEMBERSHIP being the default value. Supported values are MEMBERSHIP, DISTRIBUTED_OBJECT, MIGRATION, LIFECYCLE, CLIENT.

Hazelcast Distributed SQL Inbound Channel Adapter

Hazelcast allows running distributed queries on the distributed map. The Hazelcast Distributed SQL Inbound Channel Adapter is a polling inbound channel adapter. It runs the defined distributed-sql command and returns results depending on the iteration type.

public PollableChannel dsDistributedMapChannel() {
    return new QueueChannel();

public IMap<Integer, String> dsDistributedMap() {
    return hazelcastInstance().getMap("DS_Distributed_Map");

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

@InboundChannelAdapter(value = "dsDistributedMapChannel", poller = @Poller(maxMessagesPerPoll = "1"))
public HazelcastDistributedSQLMessageSource hazelcastDistributedSQLMessageSource() {
    final HazelcastDistributedSQLMessageSource messageSource =
        new HazelcastDistributedSQLMessageSource(dsDistributedMap(),
            "name='TestName' AND surname='TestSurname'");

    return messageSource;
<int:channel id="dsMapChannel"/>

            distributed-sql="active=false OR age >= 25 OR name = 'TestName'">
    <int:poller fixed-delay="100"/>

<bean id="dsMap" factory-bean="instance" factory-method="getMap">
    <constructor-arg value="dsMap"/>

<bean id="instance" class="com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast"
        <bean class="com.hazelcast.config.Config" />

It requires a poller and supports four attributes:

  • channel: Specifies the channel to which messages are sent. It is a mandatory attribute;

  • cache: Specifies the distributed IMap reference which is queried. It is mandatory attribute;

  • iteration-type: Specifies result type. Distributed SQL can be run on EntrySet, KeySet, LocalKeySet or Values. It is an optional attribute with VALUE being the default. Supported values are ENTRY, `KEY, LOCAL_KEY and VALUE;

  • distributed-sql: Specifies the where clause of the sql statement. It is a mandatory attribute.

Hazelcast Outbound Channel Adapter

The Hazelcast Outbound Channel Adapter listens to its defined channel and writes incoming messages to related distributed cache. It expects one of cache, cache-expression or HazelcastHeaders.CACHE_NAME for distributed object definition. Supported Distributed Objects are: IMap, MultiMap, ReplicatedMap, IList, ISet, IQueue and ITopic.

public MessageChannel distributedMapChannel() {
    return new DirectChannel();

public IMap<Integer, String> distributedMap() {
    return hzInstance().getMap("Distributed_Map");

public HazelcastInstance hzInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

@ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "distributedMapChannel")
public HazelcastCacheWritingMessageHandler hazelcastCacheWritingMessageHandler() {
    HazelcastCacheWritingMessageHandler handler = new HazelcastCacheWritingMessageHandler();
    handler.setKeyExpression(new SpelExpressionParser().parseExpression("payload.id"));
    return handler;
<int-hazelcast:outbound-channel-adapter channel="mapChannel"

It requires the following attributes :

  • channel: Specifies the channel to which messages are sent;

  • cache: Specifies the distributed object reference. Optional;

  • cache-expression: Specifies the distributed object via Spring Expression Language (SpEL). Optional;

  • key-expression: Specifies the key of a key-value pair via Spring Expression Language (SpEL). Optional and required for only for IMap, MultiMap and ReplicatedMap distributed data structures.

  • extract-payload: Specifies whether to send the whole message or just the payload. Optional attribute with true being the default. If it is true, just the payload will be written to the distributed object. Otherwise, the whole message will be written by converting both message headers and payload.

By setting distributed object name in the header, messages can be written to different distributed objects via same channel. If cache or cache-expression attributes are not defined, a HazelcastHeaders.CACHE_NAME header has to be set in a request Message.

Hazelcast Leader Election

If leader election is needed (e.g. for highly available message consumer where only one node should receive messages) a Hazelcast-based LeaderInitiator can be used:

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

public LeaderInitiator initiator() {
    return new LeaderInitiator(hazelcastInstance());

When a node is elected leader it will send an OnGrantedEvent to all application listeners.

Hazelcast Message Store

For distributed messaging state management, for example for a persistent QueueChannel or tracking Aggregator message groups, the HazelcastMessageStore implementation is provided:

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

public MessageGroupStore messageStore() {
    return new HazelcastMessageStore(hazelcastInstance());

By default, the SPRING_INTEGRATION_MESSAGE_STORE IMap is used to store messages and groups as a key/value. Any custom IMap can be provided to the HazelcastMessageStore.

Hazelcast Metadata Store

An implementation of a ListenableMetadataStore is available using a backing Hazelcast IMap. The default map is created with a name SPRING_INTEGRATION_METADATA_STORE which can be customized.

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

public MetadataStore metadataStore() {
    return new HazelcastMetadataStore(hazelcastInstance());

The HazelcastMetadataStore implements ListenableMetadataStore which allows you to register your own listeners of type MetadataStoreListener to listen for events via addListener(MetadataStoreListener callback).

Hazelcast Lock Registry

An implementation of a LockRegistry is available using a backing Hazelcast distributed ILock support:

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();

public LockRegistry lockRegistry() {
    return new HazelcastLockRegistry(hazelcastInstance());

When used with a shared MessageGroupStore (e.g. Aggregator store management), the HazelcastLockRegistry can be used to provide this functionality across multiple application instances, such that only one instance can manipulate the group at a time.

For all the distributed operations the CP Subsystem must be enabled on HazelcastInstance.

Message Channels with Hazelcast

The Hazelcast IQueue and ITopic distributed objects are, essentially, messaging primitives and can be use with Spring Integration core components without extra implementations in this Hazelcast module.

The QueueChannel can be supplied by any java.util.Queue, including the mentioned Hazelcast distributed IQueue:

PollableChannel hazelcastQueueChannel(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance) {
    return new QueueChannel(hazelcastInstance.Message<?>>getQueue("springIntegrationQueue"));

Placing this config on several nodes in Hazelcast cluster of the application, will make the QueueChannel as distributed and only one node will be able to poll a single Message from that IQueue. This works similar to PollableJmsChannel, PollableKafkaChannel or PollableAmqpChannel.

If the producer side is not a Spring Integration application, there is no way to configure a QueueChannel, and therefore the plain Hazelcast IQueue API is used to produce the data. In this case, the QueueChannel approach is wrong on the consumer side: an Inbound Channel Adapter solution must be used instead:

public IQueue<String> myStringHzQueue(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance) {
    return hazelcastInstance.getQueue("springIntegrationQueue");

@InboundChannelAdapter(channel = "stringValuesFromHzQueueChannel")
Supplier<String> fromHzIQueueSource(IQueue<String> myStringHzQueue) {
    return myStringHzQueue::poll;

The ITopic abstraction in Hazelcast has similar semantics to a Topic in JMS: all subscribers receive published messages. With a pair of simple MessageChannel beans this mechanism is supported as an out-of-the-box feature:

public ITopic<Message<?>> springIntegrationTopic(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance,
        MessageChannel fromHazelcastTopicChannel) {

    ITopic<Message<?>> topic = hazelcastInstance.getTopic("springIntegrationTopic");
	topic.addMessageListener(m -> fromHazelcastTopicChannel.send(m.getMessageObject()));
	return topic;

public MessageChannel publishToHazelcastTopicChannel(ITopic<Message<?>> springIntegrationTopic) {
    return new FixedSubscriberChannel(springIntegrationTopic::publish);

public MessageChannel fromHazelcastTopicChannel() {
    return new DirectChannel();

The FixedSubscriberChannel is an optimized variant of DirectChannel, which requires a MessageHandler on initialization. Since the MessageHandler is a functional interface a simple lambda for the handleMessage method can be provided. When a message is sent to the publishToHazelcastTopicChannel it is just published onto the Hazelcast ITopic. The com.hazelcast.topic.MessageListener is a functional interface, too, hence a lambda to the ITopic#addMessageListener can be provided. So, a subscriber to the fromHazelcastTopicChannel will consume all messages sent to the mentioned ITopic.

An ExecutorChannel can be supplied with an IExecutorService. For example, with respective configuration a cluster-wide singleton can be achieved:

public HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance() {
    return Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(
                new Config()
                    .addExecutorConfig(new ExecutorConfig()

public MessageChannel hazelcastSingletonExecutorChannel(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance) {
    return new ExecutorChannel(hazelcastInstance.getExecutorService("singletonExecutor"));