For those who are already familiar with Spring Integration, this chapter provides a brief overview of the new features of version 6.2.

If you are interested in the changes and features that were introduced in earlier versions, see the Change History.

What’s New in Spring Integration 6.2?

If you are interested in more details, see the Issue Tracker tickets that were resolved as part of the 6.2 development process.

In general the project has been moved to the latest dependency versions.

New Components

Debezium Inbound Channel Adapter

The Debezium Engine based Change Data Capture (CDC) channel adapter, that allows capturing database change events, converting them into Messages and streaming those to the outbound channels. See Debezium Support for more information.

General Changes

  • The XML configuration for <poller> and @Poller annotation now support ISO 8601 duration format for fixed-delay, fixed-rate and initial-delay options. See Polling Consumer for more information.

  • Java, Groovy and Kotlin DSLs have now context-specific methods in the IntegationFlowDefinition with a single Consumer argument to configure an endpoint and its handler with one builder and readable options. See, for example, transformWith(), splitWith() in Java DSL Chapter.