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An AbstractRouterSpec wrapped for Kotlin DSL.

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abstract class KotlinConsumerEndpointSpec<S : ConsumerEndpointSpec<S, H>, H : MessageHandler>(val delegate: S) : ConsumerEndpointSpec<S, H>

A ConsumerEndpointSpec wrapped for Kotlin DSL.

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A RouterSpec wrapped for Kotlin DSL.

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A SplitterSpec wrapped for Kotlin DSL.


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Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow lambdas.

inline fun <T> integrationFlow(crossinline gateway: GatewayProxySpec.() -> Unit = {}, flow: KotlinIntegrationFlowDefinition.() -> Unit): IntegrationFlow

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(Class<?>, Consumer<GatewayProxySpec>) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(Publisher<out Message<*>>) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(IntegrationFlow) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(MessageProducerSpec<*, *>) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(MessagingGatewaySpec<*, *>) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(MessageProducerSupport) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(MessagingGatewaySupport) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(MessageChannel) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(Supplier<*>, Consumer<SourcePollingChannelAdapterSpec>) factory method.

fun integrationFlow(channelName: String, fixedSubscriber: Boolean = false, flow: KotlinIntegrationFlowDefinition.() -> Unit): StandardIntegrationFlow

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(String, Boolean) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(MessageSource<*>, Consumer<SourcePollingChannelAdapterSpec>) factory method.

Functional IntegrationFlow definition in Kotlin DSL for IntegrationFlow.from - IntegrationFlow.from(MessageSourceSpec<*>, Consumer<SourcePollingChannelAdapterSpec>) factory method.