Class RedisLockRegistry

All Implemented Interfaces:
DisposableBean, ExpirableLockRegistry, LockRegistry

public final class RedisLockRegistry extends Object implements ExpirableLockRegistry, DisposableBean
Implementation of ExpirableLockRegistry providing a distributed lock using Redis. Locks are stored under the key registryKey:lockKey. Locks expire after (default 60) seconds. Threads unlocking an expired lock will get an IllegalStateException. This should be considered as a critical error because it is possible the protected resources were compromised.

Locks are reentrant.

However, locks are scoped by the registry; a lock from a different registry with the same key (even if the registry uses the same 'registryKey') are different locks, and the second cannot be acquired by the same thread while the first is locked.

Note: This is not intended for low latency applications. It is intended for resource locking across multiple JVMs.

Conditions are not supported.

Gary Russell, Konstantin Yakimov, Artem Bilan, Vedran Pavic, Unseok Kim, Anton Gabov, Christian Tzolov, Eddie Cho, Myeonghyeon Lee, Roman Zabaluev, Alex Peelman
  • Constructor Details

    • RedisLockRegistry

      public RedisLockRegistry(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String registryKey)
      Constructs a lock registry with the default (60 second) lock expiration.
      connectionFactory - The connection factory.
      registryKey - The key prefix for locks.
    • RedisLockRegistry

      public RedisLockRegistry(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String registryKey, long expireAfter)
      Constructs a lock registry with the supplied lock expiration.
      connectionFactory - The connection factory.
      registryKey - The key prefix for locks.
      expireAfter - The expiration in milliseconds.
  • Method Details

    • setExecutor

      public void setExecutor(Executor executor)
      Set the Executor, where is not provided then a default of cached thread pool Executor will be used.
      executor - the executor service
    • setCacheCapacity

      public void setCacheCapacity(int cacheCapacity)
      Set the capacity of cached locks.
      cacheCapacity - The capacity of cached lock, (default 100_000).
    • setRedisLockType

      public void setRedisLockType(RedisLockRegistry.RedisLockType redisLockType)
      Set RedisLockRegistry.RedisLockType mode to work in. By default, the RedisLockRegistry.RedisLockType.SPIN_LOCK is used - works in all the environment. The RedisLockRegistry.RedisLockType.PUB_SUB_LOCK is a preferred mode when not in Master/Replica connections - less network chatter. Set the type of unlockType, Select the lock method.
      redisLockType - the RedisLockRegistry.RedisLockType to work in.
    • obtain

      public Lock obtain(Object lockKey)
      Description copied from interface: LockRegistry
      Obtain the lock associated with the parameter object.
      Specified by:
      obtain in interface LockRegistry
      lockKey - The object with which the lock is associated.
      The associated lock.
    • expireUnusedOlderThan

      public void expireUnusedOlderThan(long age)
      Description copied from interface: ExpirableLockRegistry
      Remove locks last acquired more than 'age' ago that are not currently locked.
      Specified by:
      expireUnusedOlderThan in interface ExpirableLockRegistry
      age - the time since the lock was last obtained.
    • destroy

      public void destroy()
      Specified by:
      destroy in interface DisposableBean