SPRING JAVACONFIG 1.0-M2a (May 2007) ------------------------------------ http://www.springframework.org/javaconfig 1. INTRODUCTION Spring JavaConfig offers a Java-based alternative to configuring Spring Application Contexts. While most people currently use XML to configure bean definitions in their Application Contexts, Spring's versatility and metadata based internal handling of bean definitions means alternatives to XML config are easy to implement. 2. RELEASE INFO The Spring JavaConfig is targeted at Spring 2.0.5 and above and JDK level 1.5 and above. Release contents: * "src" contains the Java source files for the framework * "samples" contains the samples Java source files * "dist" contains various Spring JavaConfig distribution jar files * "lib" contains all third-party libraries needed for running the samples and/or building the framework * "docs" contains general documentation and API javadocs The "lib" directory is just included in the "-with-dependencies" download. Make sure to download this full distribution ZIP file if you want to run the sample applications and/or build the framework yourself. Maven 2 pom.xml are provided for building the sources. Latest info is available at the public website: http://www.springframework.org/javaconfig Project info at the SourceForge site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/springframework Spring JavaConfig is released under the terms of the Apache Software License (see license.txt). All libraries included in the "-with-dependencies" download are subject to their respective licenses. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org). 4. WHERE TO START This distribution contains API documentation, a reference manual and a sample applications illustrating the current features of Spring JavaConfig. Please refer to the official Spring JavaConfig site for more material on Spring JavaConfig. A great way to get started is to review and run the sample applications, supplementing with reference manual material as needed. You will require Maven 2, which can be downloaded from http://maven.apache.org/, for building Spring JavaConfig. 5. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES The Spring JavaConfig homepage is located at: http://www.springframework.org/javaconfig The Spring Framework portal is located at: http://www.springframework.org