SPRING JAVACONFIG CHANGELOG =========================== http://springframework.org/javaconfig Changes in version 1.0.0.M4 (2008-11-06) -------------------------------------- * Changes too numerous to mention. See JIRA changelog for details: http://jira.springframework.org/browse/SJC?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:changelog-panel Changes in version 1.0.0.m3 (2008-03-26) -------------------------------------- General * major update to documentation * internal refactoring to eliminate cyclic dependencies & reduce number of classes in public API * changed versioning scheme (1.0 -> 1.0.0) to support OSGi conventions * bean visibility: private @Bean methods are no longer supported (never worked properly anyway) * minimized dependencies * abstract @Configuration classes no longer registered unless one @ExternalBean, @ExternalValue or @AutoBean is present Package org.springframework.config.java.annotation * added @Import (works like XML's element) * added @ExternalValue and @ResourceBundles to facilitate externalizing string values * added Primary enum to support disambiguation in autowiring cases and when using new type-safe getBean() method * @Configuration is now annotated as @Component to support classpath scanning * @Bean 'allowOverriding' attribute now defaults to 'true' Package org.springframework.config.java.annotation * removed @SpringAdvice, @SpringAdvisor and related support (favor @Aspect-style) Package org.springframework.config.java.context * renamed ApplicationAnnotationContext to JavaConfigApplicationContext * deprecated ApplicationAnnotationContext * added type-safe getBean() methods to JavaConfigApplicationContext * added JavaConfigWebApplicationContext to facilitate using JavaConfig directly in the web tier Package org.springframework.config.java.process * ConfigurationProcessor now treats any inner @Configuration classes as child application contexts Package org.springframework.config.java.util * eliminated ClassUtils and ScopeUtils by refactoring static methods into the classes that use them Package org.springframework.config.java.valuesource * added ValueSource interface and various implementations to support @ExternalValue functionality mentioned above Changes in version 1.0-m2a (2007-05-10) --------------------------------------- * fixed (a confusing) documentation typo. The binary code is identical to 1.0-m2 (the reason why the jar have the same name). Changes in version 1.0-m2 (2007-05-08) -------------------------------------- General * added root package org.springframework.config.java * refactored classes and restructured packages * moved unused/incomplete classses and packages to src/test folder Package org.springframework.config.java.annotation * annotation @ExternalBean added to allow injection of an already defined bean * @Bean can forbid the overriding of the resulting bean by other bean definitions. Default is true * @Bean.scope property was changed from the Scope enum (which was removed) to a String to allow custom scopes Package org.springframework.config.java.annotation.aop * added @ScopedProxy annotation, the equivalent of tag Package org.springframework.config.java.naming * the method -> bean name translation is pluggable and used through out the code Package org.springframework.config.java.process * @Bean.metadata is translated into BeanDefinition attribute * process returns the number of bean definitions created based on annotations * ConfigurationProcessor#process() method refactored into #processClass(Class) and #processBean(String) * ConfigurationProcessor constructor has changed requiring only the owning bean factory. The listener registry as well as the naming strategy are optional (defaults are being used in case they aren't specified) * ConfigurationProcessor implements InitializingBean to allow flexible configuration Package org.springframework.config.java.support.cglib * the cglib code has been improved, only one instance callback being used per processor * the backing beanFactory is used for handling bean instances. Scopes are fully supported [SJC-9] Package org.springframework.config.java.util * added new package with two new utility classes: one for pasing the other for specifying Spring 2.0 default scopes Changes in version 1.0-M1 (2006-11-28) -------------------------------------- * Initial release