Chapter 6. Using aspects

AOP support in JavaConfig is a work in progress. It is documented here in order to solicit feedback. Expect changes in forthcoming milestone releases

6.1. Embedded aspects

For those unfamiliar with AOP and/or Spring AOP, you'll want to take a look Chapter 6 of the core Spring reference documentation, Aspect-oriented Programming with Spring.

A configuration class can serve 'double duty' as an aspect. By applying @Aspect to a @Configuration class, you can then add pointcuts and advice that will be applied against all beans in the container.

public class AppConfig {
    public Service service() {
        return new ServiceImpl(...);

    @Before("execution(* service..Service+.set*(*))")
    public void trackServicePropertyChange() {"property changed on service!");

This pointcut will match the all methods starting with 'set' on all implementations of the Service interface. Before any matching methods execute, the trackServicePropertyChange() method will be executed.

6.2. Reusable aspects

To create a reusable aspect, define a class annotated with @Configuration and Aspect containing advice methods and pointcuts.

public class PropertyChangeTracker {
    private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PropertyChangeTracker.class);

    @Before("execution(* set*(*))")
    public void trackChange() {"property just changed...");

Then include that aspect in the application context, either using the @Import annotation or by adding at as a constructor argument when instantiating JavaConfigApplicationContext. Examples of both approaches are below.

@Aspect // necessary in order to have transferService bean get aspects applied!
public class MyConfig {
    public TransferService myService() {
        return new TransferServiceImpl(...);


JavaConfigApplicationContext context = new JavaConfigApplicationContext(MyConfig.class);


@Aspect // necessary in order to have transferService bean get aspects applied!
public class MyConfig {
    public TransferService myService() {
        return new TransferServiceImpl(...);


JavaConfigApplicationContext context =
    new JavaConfigApplicationContext(MyConfig.class, PropertyChangeTracker.class);

Annotating Configuration classes with @Aspect to enable AOP functionality is not consistent with the standard semantics around the @Aspect annotation, and would thus likely be un-intuitive to someone familiar with XML configuration. This approach to applying aspects will change prior to JavaConfig's 1.0 GA release. See SJC-55 for details.