Spring for Apache Kafka


Gary Russell , Artem Bilan


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Table of Contents

1. Preface
2. What’s new?
2.1. What’s new in 1.1 Since 1.0
2.1.1. Kafka Client
2.1.2. Batch Listeners
2.1.3. Null Payloads
2.1.4. Initial Offset
2.1.5. Seek
3. Introduction
3.1. Quick Tour for the Impatient
3.1.1. Introduction
Very, Very Quick
With Java Configuration
Even Quicker, with Spring Boot
4. Reference
4.1. Using Spring for Apache Kafka
4.1.1. Sending Messages
4.1.2. Receiving Messages
Message Listeners
Message Listener Containers
@KafkaListener Annotation
Container Thread Naming
Filtering Messages
Retrying Deliveries
Detecting Idle Asynchronous Consumers
Topic/Partition Initial Offset
Seeking to a Specific Offset
4.1.3. Serialization/Deserialization and Message Conversion
4.1.4. Log Compaction
4.2. Kafka Streams Support
4.2.1. Introduction
4.2.2. Basics
4.2.3. Spring Management
4.2.4. JSON Serdes
4.2.5. Configuration
4.2.6. Kafka Streams Example
4.3. Testing Applications
4.3.1. Introduction
4.3.2. JUnit
4.3.3. Hamcrest Matchers
4.3.4. AssertJ Conditions
4.3.5. Example
5. Spring Integration
5.1. Spring Integration Kafka
5.1.1. Introduction
5.1.2. Outbound Channel Adapter
5.1.3. Message Driven Channel Adapter
5.1.4. Message Conversion
6. Other Resources
A. Change History