2. What’s new?

2.1 What’s new in 1.3 Since 1.2

2.1.1 Support for Transactions

The client library added support for transactions; the KafkaTransactionManager and other support for transactions has been added. See the section called “Transactions” for more information.

2.1.2 Support for Headers

The client library added support for message headers; these can now be mapped to/from spring-messaging MessageHeaders. See Section 4.1.5, “Message Headers” for more information.

2.1.3 Creating Topics

The client library provides an AdminClient which can be used to create topics. The KafkaAdmin uses this client to automatically add topics defined as @Bean s.

2.1.4 Support for Kafka timestamps

KafkaTemplate now supports API to add records with timestamps. New KafkaHeaders have been introduced regarding timestamp support. Also new KafkaConditions.timestamp() and KafkaMatchers.hasTimestamp() testing utilities have been added. See the section called “KafkaTemplate”, the section called “@KafkaListener Annotation” and Section 4.3, “Testing Applications” for more details.

2.1.5 @KafkaListener Changes

You can now configure a KafkaListenerErrorHandler to handle exceptions. See the section called “Handling Exceptions” for more information.

By default, the @KafkaListener id property is now used as the group.id property, overriding the property configured in the consumer factory (if present). Further, you can explicitly configure the groupId on the annotation. Previously, you would have needed a separate container factory (and consumer factory) to use different group.id s for listeners. To restore the previous behavior of using the factory configured group.id, set the idIsGroup property on the annotation to false.

2.1.6 @EmbeddedKafka Annotation

For convenience a test class level @EmbeddedKafka annotation is provided with the purpose to register KafkaEmbedded as a bean. See Section 4.3, “Testing Applications” for more information.

2.1.7 After rollback processing

Starting with version 1.3.5, a new AfterRollbackProcessor strategy is provided - see the section called “After Rollback Processor” for more information.

2.1.8 Kerberos Configuration

Support for configuring Kerberos is now provided. See Section 4.1.7, “Kerberos” for more information.

2.1.9 Transactional Id

When a transaction is started by the listener container, the transactional.id is now the transactionIdPrefix appended with <group.id>.<topic>.<partition>. This is to allow proper fencing of zombies as described here.