Appendix A. Override Dependencies to use the 1.1.x/2.0.x kafka-clients with an Embedded Broker

When using spring-kafka-test (version 2.1.x, starting with version 2.1.5) with the 1.1.x kafka-clients jar, you will need to override certain transitive dependencies as follows:







Starting with version 2.1.9, the 2.0.0 kafka-clients jar can be used with similar overrides to those described above.


When using the 2.0.0 clients with spring-kafka 2.1.x, the framework will continue to use the blocking poll(long) method to fetch records (future releases will use the poll(Duration) method). Other previously blocking consumer APIs will time out according to the ConsumerConfig.DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG ( property; refer to the Notable Changes in 2.0.0 section in the Kafka documentation for more information.