Annotation Type RetryableTopic

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface RetryableTopic
    Annotation to create the retry and dlt topics for a KafkaListener annotated listener. See RetryTopicConfigurer for usage examples. All String properties can be resolved from property placeholders ${...} or SpEL expressions #{...}.
    Tomaz Fernandes, Gary Russell
    See Also:
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String attempts
      The number of attempts made before the message is sent to the DLT.
      java.lang.String autoCreateTopics
      Whether or not the topics should be created after registration with the provided configurations.
      java.lang.String autoStartDltHandler
      Override the container factory's autoStartup property for just the DLT container.
      org.springframework.retry.annotation.Backoff backoff
      Specify the backoff properties for retrying this operation.
      DltStrategy dltStrategy
      Whether or not create a DLT, and redeliver to the DLT if delivery fails or just give up.
      java.lang.String dltTopicSuffix
      The suffix that will be appended to the main topic in order to generate the dlt topic.
      java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Throwable>[] exclude
      The exception types that should not be retried.
      java.lang.String[] excludeNames
      The exception class names that should not be retried.
      FixedDelayStrategy fixedDelayTopicStrategy
      Whether to use a single or multiple topics when using a fixed delay.
      java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Throwable>[] include
      The exception types that should be retried.
      java.lang.String[] includeNames
      The exception class names that should be retried.
      java.lang.String kafkaTemplate
      The bean name of the KafkaTemplate bean that will be used to forward the message to the retry and Dlt topics.
      java.lang.String listenerContainerFactory
      The bean name of the ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory that will be used to create the consumers for the retry and dlt topics.
      java.lang.String numPartitions
      The number of partitions for the automatically created topics.
      java.lang.String replicationFactor
      The replication factor for the automatically created topics.
      java.lang.String retryTopicSuffix
      The suffix that will be appended to the main topic in order to generate the retry topics.
      java.lang.String timeout
      The amount of time in milliseconds after which message retrying should give up and send the message to the DLT.
      TopicSuffixingStrategy topicSuffixingStrategy
      Whether the retry topics will be suffixed with the delay value for that topic or a simple index.
      java.lang.String traversingCauses
      Whether or not the captured exception should be traversed to look for the exceptions provided above.
    • Element Detail

      • attempts

        java.lang.String attempts
        The number of attempts made before the message is sent to the DLT. Expressions must resolve to an integer or a string that can be parsed as such. Default 3.
        the number of attempts.
      • backoff

        org.springframework.retry.annotation.Backoff backoff
        Specify the backoff properties for retrying this operation. The default is a simple Backoff specification with no properties - see it's documentation for defaults.
        a backoff specification
      • timeout

        java.lang.String timeout
        The amount of time in milliseconds after which message retrying should give up and send the message to the DLT. Expressions must resolv to a long or a String that can be parsed as such.
        the timeout value.
      • kafkaTemplate

        java.lang.String kafkaTemplate
        The bean name of the KafkaTemplate bean that will be used to forward the message to the retry and Dlt topics. If not specified, a bean with name retryTopicDefaultKafkaTemplate or kafkaTemplate will be looked up.
        the kafkaTemplate bean name.
      • listenerContainerFactory

        java.lang.String listenerContainerFactory
        The bean name of the ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory that will be used to create the consumers for the retry and dlt topics. If none is provided, the one from the KafkaListener annotation is used, or else a default one, if any.
        the listenerContainerFactory bean name.
      • autoCreateTopics

        java.lang.String autoCreateTopics
        Whether or not the topics should be created after registration with the provided configurations. Not to be confused with the ConsumerConfig.ALLOW_AUTO_CREATE_TOPICS_CONFIG from Kafka configuration, which is handled by the KafkaConsumer. Expressions must resolve to a boolean or a String that can be parsed as such.
        the configuration.
      • numPartitions

        java.lang.String numPartitions
        The number of partitions for the automatically created topics. Expressions must resolve to an integer or a String that can be parsed as such. Default 1.
        the number of partitions.
      • replicationFactor

        java.lang.String replicationFactor
        The replication factor for the automatically created topics. Expressions must resolve to a short or a String that can be parsed as such.
        the replication factor.
      • include

        java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Throwable>[] include
        The exception types that should be retried.
        the exceptions.
      • exclude

        java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.Throwable>[] exclude
        The exception types that should not be retried. When the message processing throws these exceptions the message goes straight to the DLT.
        the exceptions not to be retried.
      • includeNames

        java.lang.String[] includeNames
        The exception class names that should be retried.
        the exceptions.
      • excludeNames

        java.lang.String[] excludeNames
        The exception class names that should not be retried. When the message processing throws these exceptions the message goes straight to the DLT.
        the exceptions not to be retried.
      • traversingCauses

        java.lang.String traversingCauses
        Whether or not the captured exception should be traversed to look for the exceptions provided above. Expressions must resolve to a boolean or a String that can be parsed as such. Default true when include() or exclude() provided; false otherwise.
        the value.
      • retryTopicSuffix

        java.lang.String retryTopicSuffix
        The suffix that will be appended to the main topic in order to generate the retry topics. The corresponding delay value is also appended.
        the retry topics' suffix.
      • dltTopicSuffix

        java.lang.String dltTopicSuffix
        The suffix that will be appended to the main topic in order to generate the dlt topic.
        the dlt suffix.
      • topicSuffixingStrategy

        TopicSuffixingStrategy topicSuffixingStrategy
        Whether the retry topics will be suffixed with the delay value for that topic or a simple index.
        the strategy.
      • dltStrategy

        DltStrategy dltStrategy
        Whether or not create a DLT, and redeliver to the DLT if delivery fails or just give up.
        the dlt strategy.
      • fixedDelayTopicStrategy

        FixedDelayStrategy fixedDelayTopicStrategy
        Whether to use a single or multiple topics when using a fixed delay.
        the fixed delay strategy.
      • autoStartDltHandler

        java.lang.String autoStartDltHandler
        Override the container factory's autoStartup property for just the DLT container. Usually used to not start the DLT container when autoStartup is true.
        whether or not to override the factory.