Interface DestinationTopicContainer

    • Method Detail

      • addDestinationTopics

        void addDestinationTopics​(java.util.List<DestinationTopic> destinationTopics)
        Adds the provided destination topics to the container.
        destinationTopics - the DestinationTopic list to add.
      • getDestinationTopicByName

        DestinationTopic getDestinationTopicByName​(java.lang.String topicName)
        Returns the DestinationTopic instance registered for that topic.
        topicName - the topic name of the DestinationTopic to be returned.
        the DestinationTopic instance registered for that topic.
      • getNextDestinationTopicFor

        DestinationTopic getNextDestinationTopicFor​(java.lang.String topicName)
        Returns the DestinationTopic instance registered as the next destination topic in the chain for the given topic. Note that this might not correspond to the actual next topic a message will be forwarded to, since that depends on different factors. If you need to find out the exact next topic for a message use the DestinationTopicResolver.resolveDestinationTopic(String, Integer, Exception, long) method instead.
        topicName - the topic name of the DestinationTopic to be returned.
        the next DestinationTopic in the chain registered for that topic.
      • getDltFor

        DestinationTopic getDltFor​(java.lang.String topicName)
        Returns the DestinationTopic instance registered as DLT for the given topic, or null if none is found.
        topicName - the topic name for which to look the DLT for
        The DestinationTopic instance corresponding to the DLT.