Spring LDAP - Reference Documentation


Mattias Arthursson, Ulrik Sandberg, Eric Dalquist, Keith Barlow

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. Packaging overview
1.3. Package structure
1.3.1. org.springframework.transaction.compensating
1.3.2. org.springframework.ldap
1.3.3. org.springframework.ldap.core
1.3.4. org.springframework.ldap.core.support
1.3.5. org.springframework.ldap.core.simple
1.3.6. org.springframework.ldap.pool
1.3.7. org.springframework.ldap.pool.factory
1.3.8. org.springframework.ldap.pool.validation
1.3.9. org.springframework.ldap.support
1.3.10. org.springframework.ldap.authentication
1.3.11. org.springframework.ldap.control
1.3.12. org.springframework.ldap.filter
1.3.13. org.springframework.ldap.transaction.compensating
1.3.14. org.springframework.ldap.transaction.compensating.manager
1.3.15. org.springframework.ldap.transaction.compensating.support
1.3.16. org.springframework.ldap.ldif
1.3.17. org.springframework.ldap.ldif.batch
1.3.18. org.springframework.ldap.ldif.parser
1.3.19. org.springframework.ldap.ldif.support
1.3.20. org.springframework.ldap.odm
1.4. Support
2. Basic Operations
2.1. Search and Lookup Using AttributesMapper
2.2. Building Dynamic Filters
2.3. Building Dynamic Distinguished Names
2.4. Binding and Unbinding
2.4.1. Binding Data
2.4.2. Unbinding Data
2.5. Modifying
2.5.1. Modifying using rebind
2.5.2. Modifying using modifyAttributes
2.6. Sample applications
3. Simpler Attribute Access and Manipulation with DirContextAdapter
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Search and Lookup Using ContextMapper
3.2.1. The AbstractContextMapper
3.3. Binding and Modifying Using DirContextAdapter
3.3.1. Binding
3.3.2. Modifying
3.4. A Complete PersonDao Class
4. Adding Missing Overloaded API Methods
4.1. Implementing Custom Search Methods
4.2. Implementing Other Custom Context Methods
5. Processing the DirContext
5.1. Custom DirContext Pre/Postprocessing
5.2. Implementing a Request Control DirContextProcessor
5.3. Paged Search Results
6. Transaction Support
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Configuration
6.3. JDBC Transaction Integration
6.4. LDAP Compensating Transactions Explained
6.4.1. Renaming Strategies
7. Java 5 Support
7.1. SimpleLdapTemplate
8. Configuration
8.1. ContextSource Configuration
8.1.1. LDAP Server URLs
8.1.2. Base LDAP path
8.1.3. DirContext Authentication
Custom DirContext Authentication Processing
Custom Principal and Credentials Management
Default Authentication
8.1.4. Native Java LDAP Pooling
8.1.5. Advanced ContextSource Configuration
Alternate ContextFactory
Custom DirObjectFactory
Custom DirContext Environment Properties
8.2. LdapTemplate Configuration
8.2.1. Ignoring PartialResultExceptions
8.3. Obtaining a reference to the base LDAP path
9. Pooling Support
9.1. Introduction
9.2. DirContext Validation
9.3. Pool Properties
9.4. Configuration
9.4.1. Validation Configuration
9.5. Known Issues
9.5.1. Custom Authentication
10. User Authentication using Spring LDAP
10.1. Basic Authentication
10.2. Performing Operations on the Authenticated Context
10.3. Retrieving the Authentication Exception
10.4. Use Spring Security
11. LDIF Parsing
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Object Representation
11.3. The Parser
11.4. Schema Validation
11.5. Spring Batch Integration
12. Object-Directory Mapping (ODM)
12.1. Introduction
12.2. OdmManager
12.3. Annotations
12.4. Type Conversion
12.5. Execution
13. Utilities
13.1. Incremental Retrieval of Multi-Valued Attributes