Interface BaseLdapPathSource

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContextSource, DelegatingBaseLdapPathContextSourceSupport, DirContextSource, LdapContextSource, MutablePooledContextSource, MutablePoolingContextSource, PooledContextSource, PoolingContextSource, TransactionAwareContextSourceProxy

public interface BaseLdapPathSource
Implementations of this interface are capable of providing a base LDAP path. The base LDAP path is the root path to which all LDAP operations performed on a particular context are relative.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getBaseLdapPath

      DistinguishedName getBaseLdapPath()
      DistinguishedName and associated classes and methods are deprecated as of 2.0. Use getBaseLdapName() instead.
      Get the base LDAP path as a DistinguishedName.
      the base LDAP path as a DistinguishedName. The path will be empty if no base path is specified.
    • getBaseLdapName

      LdapName getBaseLdapName()
      Get the base LDAP path as a LdapName.
      the base LDAP path as a LdapName. The path will be empty if no base path is specified.
    • getBaseLdapPathAsString

      String getBaseLdapPathAsString()
      Get the base LDAP path as a String.
      the base LDAP path as a An empty String will be returned if no base path is specified.