Class DefaultObjectDirectoryMapper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultObjectDirectoryMapper extends Object implements ObjectDirectoryMapper
Default implementation of ObjectDirectoryMapper. Unless you need to explicitly configure converters there is typically no reason to explicitly consider yourself with this class.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultObjectDirectoryMapper

      public DefaultObjectDirectoryMapper()
  • Method Details

    • setConverterManager

      public void setConverterManager(ConverterManager converterManager)
    • manageClass

      public String[] manageClass(Class<?> clazz)
      Description copied from interface: ObjectDirectoryMapper
      Check if the specified class is already managed by this instance; if not, check the metadata and add the class to the managed classes.
      Specified by:
      manageClass in interface ObjectDirectoryMapper
      clazz - the class to manage.
      all relevant attribute names used in the given class (either for reading from LDAP or for writing to LDAP or both)
    • mapToLdapDataEntry

      public void mapToLdapDataEntry(Object entry, LdapDataEntry context)
      Description copied from interface: ObjectDirectoryMapper
      Used to convert from Java representation of an Ldap Entry when writing to the Ldap directory
      Specified by:
      mapToLdapDataEntry in interface ObjectDirectoryMapper
      entry - - The entry to convert.
      context - - The LDAP context to store the converted entry
    • mapFromLdapDataEntry

      public <T> T mapFromLdapDataEntry(LdapDataEntry context, Class<T> clazz)
      Description copied from interface: ObjectDirectoryMapper
      Used to convert from the JNDI LDAP representation of an Entry to the Java representation when reading from LDAP.
      Specified by:
      mapFromLdapDataEntry in interface ObjectDirectoryMapper
    • getId

      public Name getId(Object entry)
      Description copied from interface: ObjectDirectoryMapper
      Get the distinguished name for the specified object.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface ObjectDirectoryMapper
      entry - the entry to get distinguished name for.
      the distinguished name of the entry.
    • setId

      public void setId(Object entry, Name id)
      Description copied from interface: ObjectDirectoryMapper
      Set the distinguished name for the specified object.
      Specified by:
      setId in interface ObjectDirectoryMapper
      entry - the entry to set the name on
      id - the name to set
    • getCalculatedId

      public Name getCalculatedId(Object entry)
      Specified by:
      getCalculatedId in interface ObjectDirectoryMapper
    • filterFor

      public Filter filterFor(Class<?> clazz, Filter baseFilter)
      Description copied from interface: ObjectDirectoryMapper
      Use the specified search filter and return a new one that only applies to entries of the specified class. In effect this means padding the original filter with an objectclass condition.
      Specified by:
      filterFor in interface ObjectDirectoryMapper
      clazz - the class.
      baseFilter - the filter we want to use.
      the original filter, modified so that it only applies to entries of the specified class.
    • attributeFor

      public String attributeFor(Class<?> clazz, String fieldName)
      Description copied from interface: ObjectDirectoryMapper
      Get the attribute corresponding to the specified field name.
      Specified by:
      attributeFor in interface ObjectDirectoryMapper
      clazz - the clazz.
      fieldName - the field name.
      the attribute name.