Class DefaultDirContextValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultDirContextValidator extends Object implements DirContextValidator
Default DirContext validator that executes, String, SearchControls). The name, filter and SearchControls are all configurable. There is no special handling for read only versus read write DirContexts.

Property Description Required Default
base The name parameter to the search method. No ""
filter The filter parameter to the search method. No "objectclass=*"
searchControls The SearchControls parameter to the search method. No SearchControls.setCountLimit(long) = 1
SearchControls.setReturningAttributes(String[]) = new String[] { "objectclass" }
SearchControls.setTimeLimit(int) = 500
  • Field Details


      public static final String DEFAULT_FILTER
      See Also:
    • logger

      protected final org.slf4j.Logger logger
      Logger for this class and sub-classes
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultDirContextValidator

      public DefaultDirContextValidator()
      Create the default validator, creates SearchControls with search scope OBJECT_SCOPE, a countLimit of 1, returningAttributes of objectclass and timeLimit of 500. The default base is an empty string and the default filter is objectclass=*
    • DefaultDirContextValidator

      public DefaultDirContextValidator(int searchScope)
      Create a validator with all the defaults of the default constructor, but with the search scope set to the referred value.
      searchScope - The searchScope to be set in the default SearchControls
  • Method Details