Package org.springframework.ldap.core
package org.springframework.ldap.core
ClassDescriptionIndicates that the implementing class is capable of keeping track of any attribute modifications and return them as ModificationItems.An interface used by LdapTemplate for mapping LDAP Attributes to beans.A CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler to wrap an
.Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods inLdapOperations
for performing operations on individually authenticated contexts.Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods inLdapOperations
for performing operations on individually authenticated contexts.Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods inLdapOperations
for performing operations when there are authentication errors.AnAuthenticationSource
is responsible for providing the principal (user DN) and credentials to be used when creating a new context.Convenience implementation of AuthenticationErrorCallback that stores the given exception and provides a method for retrieving it.A NameClassPairCallbackHandler to collect all results in an internal List.Helper interface to be used by Dao implementations for assembling to and from context.Interface for delegating an actual operation to be performed on aDirContext
.An interface used by LdapTemplate to map LDAP Contexts to beans.A CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler to wrap a ContextMapper.AContextSource
is responsible for configuring and creatingDirContext
instances.Deprecated.The default NameClassPairMapper implementation.Adapter that implements the interesting methods of the DirContext interface.Interface for DirContextAdapter.Interface to be called in search byLdapTemplate
before and after the actual search and enumeration traversal.Helper interface to be able to get hold of the targetDirContext
from proxies created byContextSource
and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.Deprecated.DistinguishedName
and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.Token literal values and constants.Token Manager.Utility that helps with reading all attribute values from Active Directory using Incremental Retrieval of Multi-valued Properties.ExtendsBasicAttribute
to add support for options as defined in RFC2849.ExtendsBasicAttributes
to add specialized support for DNs.Wrapper class to handle the full identification of an LDAP entry.ContextMapper
implementation that maps the found entries to theLdapEntryIdentification
of each respective entry.Interface that specifies a basic set of LDAP operations.Deprecated.DistinguishedName
and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.Deprecated.DistinguishedName
and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.Executes core LDAP functionality and helps to avoid common errors, relieving the user of the burden of looking up contexts, looping through NamingEnumerations and closing contexts.ANameClassPairCallbackHandler
that passes the NameClassPairs found to a NameClassPairMapper and collects the results in a list.Do-nothing implementation ofDirContextProcessor
.Used internally to make DirContextAdapter properly handle Names as values.Used internally to help DirContextAdapter properly handle Names as values.Callback interface used byLdapTemplate
search, list and listBindings methods.Responsible for mappingNameClassPair
objects to beans.Thrown by aContextMapperCallbackHandler
when it cannot retrieve an object from the givenBinding
.This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.Interface for delegating an actual search operation.An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).Describes the input token stream.Token Manager Error.
and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.