Class SchemaToJava


public final class SchemaToJava extends Object
This tool creates a Java class representation of a set of LDAP object classes for use with OdmManager.

The schema of a named list of object classes is read from an LDAP directory and used to generate a representative Java class. The Java class is automatically annotated with org.springframework.ldap.odm.annotations for use with OdmManager.

The mapping of LDAP attributes to their Java representations may be configured by supplying the -s flag or the equivalent --syntaxmap flag whose argument is the name of a file with the following structure:

 # List of attribute syntax to java class mappings

 # Syntax                                          Java class
 # ------                                          ----------, java.lang.Integer, some.other.Class

Syntaxes not included in this map will be represented as String if they are returned as Strings by the JNDI LDAP provider and will be represented as byte[] if they are returned by the provider as byte[].

Command line flags are as follows:

  • -c,--class <class name> Name of the Java class to create. Mandatory.
  • -s,--syntaxmap <map file> Configuration file of LDAP syntaxes to Java classes mappings. Optional.
  • -h,--help Print this help message then exit.
  • -k,--package <package name> Package to create the Java class in. Mandatory.
  • -l,--url <ldap url> Ldap url of the directory service to bind to. Defaults to ldap:// Optional.
  • -o,--objectclasses <LDAP object class lists> Comma separated list of LDAP object classes. Mandatory.
  • -u,--username <dn> DN to bind with. Defaults to "". Optional.
  • -p,--password <password> Password to bind with. Defaults to "". Optional.
  • -t,--outputdir <output directory> Base output directory, defaults to ".". Optional.
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv)