Class AttributeCheckContextMapper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AttributeCheckContextMapper extends Object implements ContextMapper<DirContextAdapter>
Dummy ContextMapper for testing purposes to check that the received Attributes are the expected ones.
  • Constructor Details

    • AttributeCheckContextMapper

      public AttributeCheckContextMapper()
  • Method Details

    • mapFromContext

      public DirContextAdapter mapFromContext(Object ctx)
      Description copied from interface: ContextMapper
      Map a single LDAP Context to an object. The supplied Object ctx is the object from a single SearchResult, Binding, or a lookup operation.
      Specified by:
      mapFromContext in interface ContextMapper<DirContextAdapter>
      ctx - the context to map to an object. Typically this will be a DirContextAdapter instance, unless a project specific DirObjectFactory has been specified on the ContextSource.
      an object built from the data in the context.
    • setAbsentAttributes

      public void setAbsentAttributes(String[] absentAttributes)
    • setExpectedAttributes

      public void setExpectedAttributes(String[] expectedAttributes)
    • setExpectedValues

      public void setExpectedValues(String[] expectedValues)