Annotation Type InitializationHint

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String[] packageNames
      Configure initialization for a set of packages.
      String[] typeNames
      Alternative way to configure initialization, should be used when type visibility prevents using Class references, or for nested types which should be specified using a $ separator (for example com.example.Foo$Bar).
      Class<?>[] types
      Preferred way to configure initialization.
      • types

        Class<?>[] types
        Preferred way to configure initialization.
        the types
      • typeNames

        String[] typeNames
        Alternative way to configure initialization, should be used when type visibility prevents using Class references, or for nested types which should be specified using a $ separator (for example com.example.Foo$Bar).
        the type names
      • packageNames

        String[] packageNames
        Configure initialization for a set of packages.
        the package names