Appendix F. Roadmap

This appendix documents features on the Spring Dynamic Modules roadmap. The design of these features specified here is subject to change. As a most up to date source, please see our issue tracker.

F.1. Enhanced Configuration Admin Support

F.1.1. Managed Services

It should be possible to easily instantiate a bean from the configuration information stored for a ManagedService, and a set of beans from the configuration information stored for a ManagedServiceFactory. In addition, updates to the configuration information should be propagated to beans created in this way.

The managed-service element is used to define a bean based on the configuration information stored under a given persistent id. It has two mandatory attributes, class and persistent-id. The persistent-id attribute is used to specify the persistent id to be looked up in the configuration administration service, class indicates the Java class of the bean that will be instantiated.

A simple declaration of a managed service bean would look as follows:

<osgix:managed-service id="myService" class="" 

The properties of the managed-service bean are autowired by name based on the configuration found under the given persistent id. It is possible to declare regular Spring bean property elements within the managed-service declaration. If a property value is defined both in the configuration object stored in the Configuration Admin service, and in a nested property element, then the value from Configuration Admin takes precedence. Property values specified via property elements can therefore be treated as default values to be used if none is available through Configuration Admin.

It is possible for the configuration data stored in Configuration Admin to be updated once the bean has been created. By default, any updates post-creation will be ignored. To receive configuration updates, the update-strategy attribute can be used with a value of either bean-managed or container-managed.

The default value of the optional update-strategy attribute is none. If an update strategy of bean-managed is specified then the update-method attribute must also be used to specify the name of a method defined on the bean class that will be invoked if the configuration for the bean is updated. The update method must have one of the following signatures:

public void anyMethodName(Map properties)
public void anyMethodName(Map<String,?> properties); // for Java 5
public void anyMethodName(Dictionary properties);

When an update strategy of container-managed is specified then the container will autowire the bean instance by name based on the new properties received in the update. For container-managed updates, the bean class must provide setter methods for the bean properties that it wishes to have updated. Container-managed updates cannot be used in conjunction with constructor injection. Before proceeding to autowire based on the new property values, a lock is taken on the bean instance. This lock is released once autowiring has completed. A class may therefore synchronize its service methods or otherwise lock on the bean instance in order to have atomic update semantics.

F.1.2. Managed Service Factories

The managed-service-factory element is similar to the managed-service element, but instead defines a set of beans, one instance for each configuration stored under the given factory pid. It has two mandatory attributes, factory-pid and class.

A simple managed-service-factory declaration would look as follows:

<osgix:managed-service-factory id="someId" factory-pid="" 

This declaration results in the creation of zero or more beans, one bean for each configuration registered under the given factory pid. The beans will have synthetic names generated by appending "-" followed by the persistent id of the configuration object as returned by Configuration Admin, to the value of the id attribute used in the declaration of the managed-service-factory. For example,

Over time new configuration objects may be added under the factory pid. A new bean instance is automatically instantiated whenever a new configuration object is created. If a configuration object stored under the factory pid is deleted, then the corresponding bean instance will be disposed (this includes driving the DisposableBean callback if the bean implements DisposableBean). The option destroy-method attribute of the managed-service-factory element may be used to specify a destroy callback to be invoked on the bean instance. Such a method must have a signature:

public void anyMethodName();

It is also possible for the configuration of an existing bean to be updated. The same update-strategy and update-method attributes are available as for the managed-service element and with the same semantics (though obviously only the bean instance whose configuration has been updated in Configuration Admin will actually be updated). The same client-locking semantics also apply when using the container-managed update strategy

F.1.3. Direct access to configuration data

If you need to work directly with the configuration data stored under a given persistent id or factory persistent id, the easiest way to do this is to register a service that implements either the ManagedService or ManagedServiceFactory interface and specify the pid that you are interested in as a service property. For example:

<service interface="" ref="MyManagedService">
    <entry key="" value=""/>

<bean id="myManagedService" class=""/>

and where the class MyManagedService implements

F.1.4. Publishing configuration administration properties with exported services

We intend to provide support for automatic publication of service properties sourced from the Configuration Admin service under a given persistent id. This support has yet to be designed but may look as follows:

<service ref="toBeExported" interface="SomeInterface">
   <osgix:config-properties persistent-id="pid"/>

Issues to be considered are scoping of a subset of properties to be published (public/private), and automatic updates to published service properties if the value is updated via config admin.

Note that named properties can easily be published as service properties already without this support, simply by using the property-placeholder support.

F.2. Access to Service References for Collections

The current specification does not provide for access to the ServiceReference objects for services in a managed collection (i.e. obtained via a set or list declaration). A future release of Spring Dynamic Modules will provide an easy means of gaining access to these references.

F.3. Start level integration

A future release of Spring Dynamic Modules may offer the following additional guarantee with respect to application context creation and start levels:

Application context creation happens asynchronously. However, the extender bundle does guarantee that the creation of all application contexts for bundles at start level n will be complete before the creation of any application context at start level m, where m > n. Care must therefore be taken not to introduce any mandatory dependencies on services exported by bundles with higher start levels or a deadlock will be introduced.

In a similar vein, when shutting down the extender bundle, application contexts at start level m will be shut down before application contexts at start level n, where m > n.

F.4. Web library integration

While support for generic and Spring-MVC web applications is available in 1.1.0, in the future we'd like to provide integration (if needed) with other popular web libraries (such as JSF and Spring Web Flow) in the upcoming releases.

F.5. ORM/Persistence support

Care needs to be taken when using JPA or Hibernate under OSGi as the persistence engines must have visibility of the persistent types and mapping files. The Spring Dynamic Modules project will be investigating an extension model to make managing this easier when persistent configuration is split across several bundles. See Peter Krien's blog entry on the topic for an insight into the issues.

Also, the project aims to simplify deployment of JDBC drivers and pooling libraries that at the moment require special DynamicImport-Package.

F.6. OSGi standards

While OSGi 4.0 is currently required, work is underway to take advantage of the new features available in 4.1. SpringSource is an active participant in the OSGi Enterprise Expert Group and we hope to help many of the ideas found in the Spring Dynamic Modules project to make their way into the OSGi R5 specification. Spring Dynamic Modules would obviously seek to support any such standards at that point in time.